first i hope this has not been posted yet,,, (not had time to scroll) how is this for kindness? DEAR ABBY: Yesterday a young man from a religious sect rang my doorbell and pounded on my door until I opened it. I told him, "Please do not come to my home again. I have a baby and you just woke her up." He replied, "Lady, you are rude." I apologized and explained again about my baby. My problem, Abby, is this happens all the time. I live in a new subdivision, and religious groups and vacuum cleaner salesmen come to my door several times a week. I have a large "No Soliciting" sign posted by my front door. Have you any suggestions? -- PAM B., HOUSTON DEAR PAM: The person who came to your door should have apologized for disturbing you instead of trying to turn you into the bad guy. However, please bear in mind that he could have come to rob you (or worse), and you are under no obligation to open your door to any stranger -- and that includes salesmen and religious proselytizers. You might try placing another sign by your front door that says "No Witnessing." If that doesn't work, consider disabling your doorbell or fencing your yard and posting a "No Trespassing" sign, provided it's allowed in your subdivision
Dear Abby--Religious knocking on my door...
by orbison11 27 Replies latest jw friends
its new to me...
Abby is right they should apologise. However I wish she would have ripped into him a little more.
We always explained away all the signs, that it didn't mean US, just all those other people! What would it take to get through to them, that this means THEM? On rare occasion, when we got the point, someone would click their tongue and say, "Well, they made their choice. They want to be goats, pity!"
I'm gonna go out on a limb here. If you've read any of my posts you know I'm disgusted with the wasted years four generations of my family have spent in association with the Watchtower Society. That said, I'd be willing to bet the lady writing in to Dear Abby has not represented the situation accurately.
I told him, "Please do not come to my home again. I have a baby and you just woke her up." He replied, "Lady, you are rude."
Certainly anything's possible, but having spent many years in field service, I have difficulty imagining that the mild request made by this woman was enough to make a JW respond by saying, "Lady, you are rude." Unless this was an exceptionally strange JW, I'd suggest she acted with a considerably more angry and insulting manner than she lets on in her note.
Coming back soon . . .
We always explained away all the signs, that it didn't mean US, just all those other people!
LoL..yeap -- I was taught to use 2nd Corinthians 2:17 -- you know, the one about how we are not peddlers of the word of God...
WTS sent out a letter to cong about a year ago directing to avoid calling at homes with 'no tresspassing' signs. We were reminded a week ago at the SM.
Also per WTS direction, she should be noted in the territory file as a 'do not call'.
Also per WTS direction, she should be noted in the territory file as a 'do not call'.
Unfortunately, that doesn't always work because:
1) Territory holder doesn't see the slip till after the person is called on
2) DNC slip was misplaced by the last JW who had the territory
3) Territory holder disregards slip
4) JW calling on them was never told by territory holder not to call
5) Jw calling on them didn't write down the address when the territory holder told them about DNC
6) JW calling on them has dyxlesia and reversed the numbers
7) JW calling on them is an elder making the yearly check to see if they are still a DNC
8) BTW DNCs with a warning that householder has firearms will more likely be followed (or an evil apostate)
*** km 5/03 p. 7 Question Box ***
witnessing by telephone, what should we do if a person requests that Jehovah’s Witnesses not call again?The wishes of the person should be respected. A dated note with the name of the person should be placed in the territory envelope so that publishers will avoid calling that number in the future. Once a year, the list of people who have requested that we not call should be reviewed. Under the direction of the service overseer, experienced, tactful publishers can be assigned to contact these people to determine their current feelings.—See the June 1994 Our Kingdom Ministry Question Box.
km 6/94 p. 2 Question Box ***·
How should matters be handled when a householder insists that Jehovah’s Witnesses make no further calls at that home?When we encounter a sign at the door that strictly prohibits calls of a religious nature and specifically mentions Jehovah’s Witnesses, it may be best to respect the householder’s wishes and avoid knocking.
Sometimes we come upon a sign prohibiting salesmen or solicitors. Since we are doing charitable religious work, that does not really apply to us. It would be appropriate to go ahead and knock at such doors. If the householder objects, we can tactfully explain why we feel that such signs do not apply in our case. If the householder then makes it clear that the prohibition includes Jehovah’s Witnesses, we will respect his wishes.
When we are working the territory, a householder may become visibly upset and emphatically insist that we do not call again. If he refuses to reason on the matter, we should comply with this request. A dated note should be placed in the territory envelope so that publishers working the territory in the future will avoid calling at that address.
Such homes are not to be avoided indefinitely. The present occupants may move away. We may contact another family member who will respond favorably. There is also the possibility that the householder to whom we spoke will have a change of heart and become more agreeable to having us call. So after some time a tactful inquiry should be made of the occupants to determine their current feelings.
The territory file should be reviewed once a year, making a list of the homes where we have been advised not to call. Under the direction of the service overseer, some tactful, experienced publishers can be assigned to visit these homes. It could be explained that we are calling to inquire if the same householder still lives there. The publisher should be familiar with the material in the Reasoning book, pages 15-24, entitled "How You Might Respond to Potential Conversation Stoppers." If there is a reasonable response, future calls can be made in the usual way. If the householder continues to be antagonistic, no further calls should be made until the following year. The local body of elders can decide if the circumstances in a particular case make it advisable to handle things differently.
No trespassing
I have found that the following sign placed on a mailbox or in the yard is very effective in combatting visits from one prominent religious organiastion:JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ARE FALSE PROPHETS
Although I know we were a pain in the butt to most ppl. I never understood why ppl got so cross when you knocked on their door and disturbed them.
If you are a night worker how hard is it to put a sign up.