Watchtower, January 1,2006. Study article, First paragraph.

by Blueblades 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bryan

    One thing to think about also, is that these magazines cost probably 2 cents to print. They have a huge profit margin on their publications. If the R&F can take more time to put God first sell more mags... it's money in the bank!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Poztate
    Its not true. It is a make believe story. They constantly spew out these exaggerated tales or make them up completely all in order to make the rank & file members feel even more unworthy.

    I did a part at the D A in the summer of 1971 (I think) It was experiences from publishers...I was shocked when I was handed a script and told to memorize it.It had nothing to do with me but I was their little parrot I wonder how many times that happened over the years.

  • Gozz

    Hi Bryan, and friends:

    what would be fair contribution for a CD? I smelled a little rat when I got a some WT Audio CDs; I asked for a fair "contirbution" (that's being fair, I think), the guy "suggested" about USD 5 for each; now, that isn't much, but considering the WT spends next to nothing on labour and distribution, I still thought it was high. What ya think people?


  • Golf

    How many on this forum started off being 'useful' until they got shafted?

    How about that scripture that reads, "Certainly if anyone does not provide (adequately) those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is WORSE than a person without faith."

    How many children have been missed out on meals, recreation, love from their parents all because of family members putting more time in field service? Kingdom interests involves taking care of your family first.


  • DannyHaszard

    The more things change in Watchtower land the more they stay the same.WHY? Because their leaders are predatory psychopaths.The profile pedigree of the predatory psychopath is: pathological lying,refusal to learn from their past mistakes,inability to feel any regret,they are smug,sociopathic,amoral with NO conscience. HEY,I just discribed Satan's profile! Witness of the Watchtower Holocaust Witness of the Watchtower Holocaust Satan never Sleeps. Satan sez's;"so what if there is turn-over cause there's always fresh prey to be recruited". Watchtower lied and people died. Between 1967 and 1975 most Jehovah's Witnesses were hedging EVERYTHING on the 1975 Watchtower end of the world prophecy. They postponed everything, liquidated assets, they lived and they DIED for Armageddon in 1975. I know because I was THERE age 10 in 1967 when the 'profitcy' was announced (Montreal convention release of the 'Life in freedom of the son's of God' book) it was a little red hardcover book authored by then Watchtower president Fred Franz. It shook the Watchtower World. In the summer of '75 some members of my congregation even neglected giving the family car an overdue oil change knowing that cars could become unnecessary. The date was a complete deadly fiasco, and get this, they had the gall to string us along for ANOTHER 4 years with the rhetorical addendum of "how long did it take Adam to name the Animals"? Meanwhile at age 18 my Ulcerative Colitis is eating me away! and they said:

    "If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things … .all evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years… as a young person you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.
    If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone"!
    -- Awake, 5/22/1969, pg15

    1990 Watchtower charlatans ordered the rank and file followers again in 1990 NOT TO HAVE CHILDREN. I was THERE at the Providence Rhode Island USA district convention and heard it for myself. This 'Papal Bull' worldwide mandate from the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses was further elaborated in a follow up primary Watchtower study at the Kingdom Hall that fall on not to have kids. THINK of all the women close to menopause who complied with this directive 'because the end is just so close' and forfeited forever the chance to nurture their maternal instincts and have a baby. Get this, my beloved baby sister was born in the spring of 1976 my mother was denounced for getting 'knocked up' 'just before Armageddon'. We rallied in the 'promise' that my kid sister would never having to start public school in Satan's system. The Watchtower cult has been holding her and the rest of my family hostage,ongoing 15 years now and I don't know who is dead or alive. HEY! By the way,. . . time marched on and I forgot to have kids of my own and will die childless. In 1926 'detox' Joe Rutherford admitted he made an 'a** of himself' for the "millions now living will never die" 1925 failure. The Watchtower memorializes that several thousand of their members perished in the wicked WW2 Nazi cult holocaust, and says, 'those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it". On this day May 5 2005 I testify and I stand tall as: Witness of the Watchtower Holocaust. Danny Haszard Bangor Maine USA born Jehovah's Witness year 1957 "Staying Alive Until 1975" My Story of Growing Up JW with Severe Ulcerative Colitis MORE

  • JT

    Jan 1-06

    To be studied on Febuary 5th.2006 study article, the first paragraph only.

    “A YOUNG man wanted to be more useful in his congregation. The problem was that his secular work interfered with his regular meeting attendance. How did he address the situation? He simplified his life, resigned from his job, and in time found employment that did not interfere with his Christian activities. Today, he earn much less than before, but he still cares for his family's needs and is much better able to support the congregation.”

    WT Style of Writing- is kinda cool some would say, others may not –

    Does the exp related above reflect the Speical Writing Style of the Boys in Writing, each person must decide for themselves- but let me share some light on the WT Style of Writing

    When I was at bethel my mentor explained to me the need to make experiences in ones talk Live and to keep it updated and fresh-

    he gave me some examples of how this is done in the Writing Dept where he works it- it was quite revealing to say the least

    First off never date your exp, this way it can be 50yrs old and still sound fresh and the most important point of all:

    “Provide ONLY enough info so that the exp will be encouraging”

    now that was powerful especially when he explained it to me.

    For example the wt will relate an exp of jw under ban and a bro trying to cross the ck point and the guard fails to ck his bag- well when it is told to the rank and file – under the artilcle lets say “Jehovah Protects his Servants” the rank and file jw is like “WOW Jah protects his people”

    But what the wt writer has failed to tell you is that the last 6 bro who tried to get thru got caught, but of course that would defeat the who purpose, so did they lie, of course not, but that little extra pc of in you didn’t have would have put things in a different light-

    Another example he gave- we hear about the sister that crossed alligator waters to get to the meetings under the article lets say “What prevents you from attending the meeting?”

    Well it sound to the avg Western JW – Man if she can cross those waters, I know I can drive 3 blocks on meeting night- but what they fail to tell you in the article is that this sister -along with every other person in this village-- have been crossing this river- this way for decades every day to take care of their daily business

    One of my favorite ones was about a bro who was from NC/SC if I am not mistaken- if you are an old timer you might recall this one- it was about a bro who farmed Tobacco, I recall this so well cause in NC where I am from Tobacco farming was CASH KING

    When I was growing up, well during the 60/70s the wt came out about smoking and this was a big issue in my area cause lots of bro worked, sold, smoked tobacco so folks I know were personally impacted-

    Well the wt related an exp of a bro who when this NEW Light came out SOLD his business and it was held up as an example of Great Sacrifice in order to do the will of Jehovah, well what the Boys in Writing failed to tell the rank and file, is how it actually went down-

    I didn’t find out about this until one day at Bethel for breakfast this bro was sitting at the GB table and brought Greetings from FL-

    Well like so many other days, you see guest come and go, until my Table Head Sam Buck told us who the old guy was-

    Well he sold his business alright- to the tune of a FEW MILLION DOLLARS, he was a big time tobacco farmer who cashed out $$$$$$- and was now retired living the good life in Fl, while many other jw who worked in tobacco plants at $4 and hour had quit their jobs, thinking as it were:

    “If that Bro in the Mag can quit the business , then I will too”

    Take the account related above- do we know if this young man, is not the son of a very well to do jw family? The wt writers know that in the org are millions of rank and file who rely on EVERY Word in the publications for deeper understanding

    I recall how many Elders and CO would use the phrase:

    , “Brothers Did you catch that “FINE POINT” in the wt this Sunday, It’s the first time I have seen the Slave comment on xyz IN PRINT”

    So will some jw read this about man who Quit his job before he even got another job and try it thinking – HEY JAH provided for him he will provide for me the same way

    What the wt doesn’t tell you are the number of jw who have jumped up and quit jobs to attend conventions, etc meeting only to struggle long and hard looking for a job-

    The wt often used Extreme examples such as this, instead of relating of a bro who starting looking First, instead they relate the story of the guy who Quit First-

    But hey you got to love the WT Style of Writing

  • Axelspeed

    Thanks JT...great stuff!

  • luna2

    The Society has to know that not all will listen to the garbage they spew. Can you imagine what would happen if the majority up and quit their jobs to become janitors or window washers? Janitors and window washers who took time out of their work days (and nights) to follow the FDS's little theocraptic schedule? The money would totally dry up. These uneducated, un or under employed people would have a hard time making their own expenses let alone have much left to throw in the box to pay for utilities at the KH or the "world wide work". It would be a fiscal disaster.

    But they know that this won't happen. They know that there will always be those that don't follow their directives on education, employment, service or meeting attendance...they will be the ones who will contribute more money out of guilt....consoling themselves that they are doing what they can by supporting the WTS monetarily.

    There will be the gullible underclass who takes this crap to heart, gets no education, and gives up jobs that interfere with their precious meeting attendance/branwashing sessions and end up living in holy poverty with no pensions and no health insurance....but they will be able to feel superior when they sit down to their dinner of mac and cheese in their government-subsidized housing because they are following the directives from the FDS. They also serve as a visible guilt-trip for the monied JW's, keeping the contributions flowing.

    Nice racket.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Thank you for that info JT, I will admit I was one of the ones suckered by those experiences, but it's great to know the behind the scenes story, THANK YOU!


  • DannyHaszard

    Members R-Thinking +Shrinking I was in the cult and now im out Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT happy as they have invested everything in the promise of the Watchtower that the rapture WILL occur in their lifetimes. This is key:Nearly all the other religions promise you your reward AFTER you die,and no one has ever come back and sued for breach of promise.

    Millions of JW's like myself have already got out and got a real life OR they grew old and died broken and beaten (both sets of my JW grandparents).

    The promises of the Watchtower are mostly made-up and man-made and not from the Bible.

    Going door to door selling lies from the Watchtower corporation what a waste!

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