I hated myself for a long time, I thought it was because there was something wrong with me, I wasn't a good Witness, I didn't have many friends, I was bullied constantly at school, and I spent most of my teenage years wasting them. I think despite all that, the real reason I hated myself, was because my Dad's rejection of me.
For a long time the only way I could see to numb the pain and self loathing, was to physically hurt myself. It's not the way to get results obviously, and it's very dangerous, I thought it was helping, but everytime I did it, I felt worse. I fell into a vicious cycle of cutting myself, and then feeling bad about what I had done, all the other problems I had weren't even contributing to my self loathing anymore.
The best way, I eventually found to help myself, was to find something I enjoyed, spending time with someone special helped aswell. For me, it was my girlfriend at the time (Of course, that led to a whole new set of troubles, but by then I was strong enough to sort them out without hurting myself)
Perhaps seeing a doctor or something could help aswell... (((((((((Legolas))))))))