Dedpoet and myself were asked this question last night. We went round to his local to celebrate my da announcement (made on Tuesday 22nd November). It was his idea, to "drink a toast to freedom", but I was up for it as well, and we ran into a former brother and his girlfriend. This guy was df'd at about the same time dp made his exit, and he has never gone back either. Him and dp were friends then, though not in the same cong, and they have seen each other occasionally over the years. The guy's gf probably felt a bit out of it, she has never been a jw, but she was happy to meet us anyway. Oddly enough, it was her who asked the question, because, she observed, we seemed to be talking about the jws a lot. Dp very kindly told her that if she'd ever been where we'd been, she wouldn't have asked, and no, he would never go back to that crap. His mate had the same attitude, and I explained that, although I only just left, I was equally determined to stay out for good. After we left the pub dp commented that my answer made him feel proud of me, because it showed how far I had come in a relatively short time. He got a big hug for that comment,he is so sweet, he always seems to know what to say to make me feel good about what I've done.
They also asked a couple of questions regarding our relationship with each other, but we managed to avoid giving a straight answer to those lol!