Would you ever consider going back to the JW''s?

by fullofdoubtnow 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    Never is too soon.

  • Finally-Free

    Not under any circumstances.


  • lv4fer

    NO! Why? How? Did I say NO?

  • gold_morning

    WHAT..WHAT.... and be the dog that returns to it's own vomit???!!!!!

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Sure, if they bribed me with enough money. Several million dollars. Of course, I would then abscond with the money and move to New Zealand and spend my days eating kiwi fruit and shagging sheep.


  • HappyDad


  • jaffacake

    Although never a JW, I was another type of fundamentalist, the sort that led to the forming of JW religion. I was a second adventist. I remain Christian, however, but recently with a more enlightened understanding.

    Let me offer just one portion of writing that I have borrowed, which can be applied to JWs, SDAs or any of the other fundamentalist and so-called Bible based religions:

    The most misleading thing about fundamentalist use of the Bible is that it misunderstands, not just some specific texts, but the whole nature of the Bible itself. It imposes upon the Bible a view of revalation that is alien to the Bible, and that the Bible refutes, by its form, its character and by its content.

    That alien view is that revelation consists of a set of clear doctrines uttered by God and put directly, without any human interpretation, onto the pages of Scripture. Fundamentalists select some passages to provide such doctrines, straight from the mouth of God, but have to ignore huge amounts of Bible writing, but they get away with it because most people do not know the Bible well enough to refute them.

    To refute them however, there is no need to deny the texts they cite, but simply instead to point out what the nature of Biblical revelation is. It is not a set of doctrines, and it does not record the thoughts of God without any human interpretation. We need to read it carefully to see just what it is. But once we have seen that, we can never be tempted by fundamentalism again.

  • yaddayadda

    Only if they dropped about 50% of their teachings, fanatical policies, and organisational structure, and replaced them with more emphasis on Christ. Which would mean they would be a totally new religion.

  • lonelysheep

    No. Right now, I feel pressured to from a loved one. It's funny you started this thread because I actually asked myself this very question tonight. All because of the emotional time I'm in at the moment. But, I cannot do it. I'm staying in reality this time.

  • Honesty

    Looks like I'm gonna miss out on the Paradise Express, Watchtower Style.

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