It is with little or no regret that I have found it necessary to disfellowship the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in order to protect my good name. After unrepentantly fornicating with the Scarlet Coloured Wild Beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, I have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.Plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.Indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude. I,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with WTBS.I apologise to bible students I've had and the fear I have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years. What should I do with all the suits?
Brief Announcement: I have disfellowshipped the Watctower Society
by bigmouth 33 Replies latest jw friends
tall penguin
Welcome bigmouth! Great post.
"What should I do with all the suits?" One word: bonfire!
:) tall penguin -
Bigmouth- good for you! Is this very recent? Biddie
Congrats on the momentous decision.As for the suits, I'd suggest you ask jgnat. She was working on that particular exit issue a few months ago.
-Aude. (Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding)
donate them puppies, or Have a suit sale- buy one get one free! Biddie
Welcome to the Great Crowd, Bigmouth!!!!
Hi Honesty- maybe you could help me. I can never find where to post a new topic. Well sometimes I can, but others there is no Icon? Help? Biddie
Welcome Bigmouth!
Yes, the Tower is guilty and pride is before a fall.
Welcome to the best part of your life!
My best,
congrats bigmouth.
You never know when you might need a nice suit.
Short and to the point, sweet.
My favorite suggestions for the suits were Goodwill (help a homeless person find a job) and take up ballroom dancing.