Does anyone know how much pressure is currently being put on the elderly brothers and sisters to name the Witchtower Babble and Trick Society prominently in their wills? Since older ones account for a big chunk of the membership, this could increase their coffers if they convince our parents and grandparents not to be "greedy" and to sign it all over to the worldwide work. I have heard firsthand of elderly widowed sisters having elders appointed as executors of their estate, to handle will administration and personal affairs for them, along with an attorney-brother giving legal advice as needed. Scary!
Squeezing blood from turnips and little old ladies
by Virgogirl 15 Replies latest jw experiences
It seems to me more and more a guilt trip is being laid on all faithfull dubs if they do not give even after death.The constant reminder that stocks,bonds and inheritances are gratefully welcomed by the WT reminds them of this.Remembering that LOYALTY to the org is a number one priority they may feel DISLOYAL if they do not include the WT in their wills.
Playing with peoples minds,their emotions like this is what made me state that the WT is indeed robbing sons and daughters of their inheritances.People being led along to do something because of guilt,loyalty or perhaps even fear of displeasing Jehovah are brainwashed into giving.To me they are nothing more than a thief in the night.
That quote was from a post I made a few years back on the subject. Nothing has changed since then and indeed the WT's "greediness" is beginning to show even more so now. A few months ago an elderly aunt of mine died.The PO from her congregation was executor of her will. She didn't have much but it ALL went to the WT.
Does anyone know how much pressure is currently being put on the elderly brothers and sisters to name the Witchtower Babble and Trick Society prominently in their wills
Danny Haszard born JW 1957 has see loads of cases,true i hate the watchtower and seek to destroy their credibility none-the-less i don't make anything up i don't have too.
Bill Bowen on WT Scamming Elderly :"....A few months ago I was informed of an elderly sister being told by the legal department that if she deeded her home to Watchtower before her death that they would make sure she got it back in the new order. The sister was coerced into getting a restraining order against her non-witness family to prevent them from talking to her about her possible grandchildren s inheritance. Three months after her death a new family was living in the home with a big Christmas tree. I wonder if our sister knew the legal department was going to allow that. The sad fact remains that hundreds of thousands of these Worldwide Work dollars are being spent to defend pedophiles rights and prevent abuse survivors from any assistance in trying to heal. It appears the little known pedophile protection fund will continue to be funded by the extremely profitable Worldwide Work fund".
Danny's testimony-My JW presiding overseer grandfather (since 1952) Roger Haszard liquidated his assets and gave to the Watchtower in the early 1970's (cause of 1975 guys).On or about 1987 my dad gets a frantic telephone call from my JW elder uncle Wallace Haszard of the Beverly Massachusetts Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses and say's we all have to pitch in $$ for my grandparents to have a part time attendant as they cannot care for themselves and have no money left.
Curse you Watchtower and your bastard legal whores who cover for you!
Witchtower Babble and Trick Society
OH I love that discription!!!! Yes I had a call from a man- whos Father signed everything to the WT & he wasnt even a Jw...His two sisters ( the man that called me) were,His Mother wasnt a JW either -but the promise was that if he gave everything to the WT ( a farm & everything on it -expensive equipment) They would make sure the mother was looked after until she died. They put her in a seniors home!!! Sold everything.... He sued ! but because the Hospital Doctors,nurses,other chiildren said he was of sound mind when he signed it. He lost ...!!! It is disgusting.....It is called "daylight robbery"
Witchtower Babble and Trick Society.....LOL...So true!
How do they get away with stealing and how can the WTS hold their head up high in the face of God? makes me wanna
Mouthy, I am so afraid my parents will fall prey to the "daylight robbers" like you described! They are both in their 70's, living in a small bungalow and driving an old car because dad retired early to pioneer. Gag. But, they do have a few dollars squirreled away. After that, it's like Danny Hazzard said, we relatives will have to come up with $ to help maintain them because the WTS took their money.
Some years back I listened to a radio program that aired an expose on the Billy Graham Crusade for the same conduct. They have an organized team of lawyers that isolate the elderly then get them to sign over their estates to the Crusade. Many family suits against them, some successful, most not. When my mother croaked, she had given almost all of her estate to the Borg. The idea to leave the family out was certainly not hers alone. Still havn't gotten my $1 yet!carmel
I remember very specifically as well something that was said at a door by a "nasty do not call" (he really was though, threatened us with physical violence and I was about 8 at the time). He made very specific and pointed claims of the watchtower being a parasitic organization that preys on the elderly. Mentioning his mother being squeezed for money by them all the time, Im not sure in relation to what since I was so young at the time. But it was such an emotionally charged incident that it remains in my mind to this day.
When I was in I can remember an elderly sister being "encouraged" to will her property to the cong instead of to her worldly son. They also used to talk about making the wt the beneficiary of insurance policies etc. money grabbing bastards