Indeed dedpoet they run those kinds of articles with great frequency and it seems to have only increased in recent years. They also frequently have talks on the subject and entire legal kits, from what I understand, that explain the process of how to do this.
Squeezing blood from turnips and little old ladies
by Virgogirl 15 Replies latest jw experiences
I remember very specifically as well something that was said at a door by a "nasty do not call" (he really was though, threatened us with physical violence and I was about 8 at the time). He made very specific and pointed claims of the watchtower being a parasitic organization that preys on the elderly. Mentioning his mother being squeezed for money by them all the time, Im not sure in relation to what since I was so young at the time. But it was such an emotionally charged incident that it remains in my mind to this day.
Really, I think it is wrong to hold the members accountable, who know nothing about the dirty dealings of the WTS.
Well, thanx for the info, everybody. Now I am really worried, but I guess realistically, I probably should be!
Almost makes you wonder if this is one of the reasons they used to advocate remaining childless.... I mean, no kids = inheritance likely ours!
Bull! <= feeling very cinical today !
It is another nice little way for this colossal multinational corporation to make extra profit again in the name of Jehovah who will never fail to reward on behalf of the due time.
They've always profited from donations and unpaid distributors of their publications who believe that they are sacrificing to jehovah. -
unpaid distributors of their publications who believe that they are sacrificing to jehovah
Interesting observation greendawn - never thought of it that way before !