scully's advice is also very good in that it shows your mom that you respect her convictions and are trying to help her within the bounds of faith that she has set. Whether you in fact feel this way is irrelevant, your perception that you have respect for her beliefs is enough that she will feel you are there for her and that alone can speed her recovery.
Mom in Hosp - Refusing Blood
by rwagoner 29 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
Sorry to hear about these problems. Thoughts are with you.
took a turn for the worse....just a matter of tme now. thanks for your thoughts and prayers....
Sorry to hear that
So sorry you are dealing with this.
I'm so sorry to hear this rwagnoner! You're in my thoughts!
I'm sorry to hear that your mom has taken a turn for the worse. If you can spend some time with her, please do. You'll never regret it.
Just an update - they have sent my mom home...basically to die.
I spoke with her Doctor and he said that if she would agree to a transfusion she'd be fine. Her blood count got so low with the GI Bleed that her hemoglobin count is probably unrecoverable...she is getting the meds mentioned here with her dialysis but he expects that she will pass long before her count has a chance to recover.
There is a chance, however small, for survival so we're keeping the faith but it does not appear to be very realistic.
The "friends" showed up at the hospital but saw me and turned tail and ran before they even saw her. I will say that a few people did stay who have known the family for years and did not spend the time preaching. The "Committee" showed up to make sure the Doctor had his marching orders and didnt try to save her. They tried to shake my hand which I of course refused...warning them that it would be spit covered if they didn't get it away from me quickly.
On one note...she has agreed to a memorial service at the funeral home rather than the kh...but wants a "brother" to do the prayer. I made it clear to the dubs that a prayer was just that...a prayer...not a chance to make a hidden recruitement sermon or to slam the unbelievers and that I would be following up with my own comments if they did anything stupid.
Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers...they do make a HUGE Difference.
Thinking of you at this difficult time.
My thoughts are with you....