Hello, all. I'd like to, once again, bring up the topic of Young Earth Creation. I myself am not a JW, but was drawn to the large mistakes posted on this site in attempt to "prove" Old Earth creation ("Genesis 'Days'", "Distant Stars," etc.)I have several reasons to refute these claims: The Genesis "Days" Ah, yes. The Genesis "Days." This is the most common "support" for Old Earth Creation, and yet is as weak as a house of cards. 1 - In Genesis, as penned by Moses, the Hebrew word "yôm" was used to describe all seven of the days of creation. Whenever he used "yôm" to talk about each day, he also coupled it with the words "evening and morning," along with a cardinal (counting) number, such as 'first, second, etc." Saying that each "day" was hundreds to thousands to millions of years is a stretch, and clearly predisposes the Bible to fallible interpretations and scrutiny. All of the "Old Earth" theories hold that each "day" was millions of years, and, thus, allows pain, death, and sin before Adam's fall. Besides that, "Old Earthers" like the ones who've posted on this site say that they believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God, and cannot be proven wrong. Yet, with Genesis-tic timelines confirming that Adam lived only hundreds of years, how can the Old Earth theory corroborate with the Bible? "Distant Stars" Another big issue that YEC's and OEC's disagree upon can be resolved in a scientific manner. 2 - Alright, so here's the deal. Creationists generally agree that the Universe has boundaries. So, let's say that the universe is like a circle, which it may or not be. Through science, we have significant evidence to believe that the Earth is relatively close to the center of the universe. Mass creates gravity, and makes the plane of the universe "bend", like putting a ball in the middle of a trampoline. The furthest stars are at the edge of the universe, yet we are at the middle. Light must travel to us in a special way in which light takes "billions of years" in the universe, yet just a regular day on Earth. As long as the Universe has a boundary, (supported by verses in which God talks about "stretching" his creation,) this theory seems to fit fine with the Bible, and needs no different interpretations. Also, because God created everything as mature (like Adam) in the beginning, why couldn't he have miraculously pulled light to Earth in the several days from stars to man?
Young Earth Evidence: You'd Be Surprised!
by Xtreme4Gzus 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
The sun was brought into being on the fourth day, cardinally speaking. How could there literally be "evening and morning" for the first three days?
why couldn't he have miraculously pulled light to Earth in the several days from stars to man?
Why couldn't the universe have been created by an invisible flying spaghetti monster last Wednesday at 12:32 pm?
Through science, we have significant evidence to believe that the Earth is relatively close to the center of the universe.
Ah. We do? Wow. Earth is also relatively far away from the center of the universe, relatively beneath the center of the universe, relatively round compared to the universe, relatively slightly to the left of the universe.
All of these are true, depending upon what you are relating the Earth to. Since you didn't include that detail, I feel it is important to point out the non-pointed nature of your statement.
Not that I mind discussing the issue with you, I am fascinated to actually make the acquaintance of a YE believer. I am an OE believer, myself. As a matter of fact, I believe the universes are much older than consensus science allows for. I think I may be on to how she keeps her youthful figure. She takes vacations.
Yet, with Genesis-tic timelines confirming that Adam lived only hundreds of years, how can the Old Earth theory corroborate with the Bible?
You ask as though you want an answer, but I suspect you don't. Was this question rhetoric? I have a response for it, if not. If you are on a preaching campaign to spread YE dogma I'll just leave your thread alone. If you want reasoned discussion of the points you raise, I will happily engage you.
I must admit: I am surprised.
Narkissos, are you surprised that there is evidence, or that none was presented in a thread where the title leads to an expectation of evidence?
Looks like we had a hit and run.
Xtreme4Jesus -
You make no sense, and it seems you have no idea what sort of site you're posting on!!
Somehow, I don't believe we'll see much more of you.
LOL, i am surprised as well...
Hello, all. I'd like to, once again, bring up the topic of Young Earth Creation.
what the hell are you talking about "once again"? it was your first post... -
Young Earth people are full of crap! The earth is NOT 6000 years old... as a Last Thursdayest I know for a fact that the universe was created last Thursday.