I hated how I almost never left the KH feeling encouraged. It was nearly always a guilt-fest. Seemed like the only people who didn't feel guilty were the ones who were so egotistical that nothing could ever apply to them.
What's Your Pet Peeve At The Meetings?
by Golf 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I also hated the fact that wed have to eat after the meeting cos there was no time before. Eating a meal, usually a takeaway at 9.30 to 10.00pm is no joke, especially if yourve gone straight to a meeting from work and your trying to diet.
Closing prayers.
The closing prayers were not sincere communication with God. They were an application of "repitition for emphasis". They were little more than a rehashing of the main points of the meeting. The guys who gave the closing prayers were not talking to God, they were talking to the audience.
Long prayers and meetings going overtime were definite killers for me, but another one was when the brother would fish for an answer.
Brother giving part: "What does this illustration remind us of?" (Translation: "What am I thinking?")
response to answer 1: "Good, that's important. But not what I'm going for."
response to answer 2: "Not quite, think more literally."
response to answer 3: "This isn't rocket science, folks. C'mon. What does it remind us of?"[Some easily pissed off elder answers with: "Well, I can't even guess what you might be thinking, but it reminds ME of [whatever]."]
Brother finally gets the point and says, "Well, those were all good points. I was actually thinking of how it brings to mind [some innane thing that no one would ever have thought of in a million years]."
But yeah, long prayers suck, too.
When the elders would take digs at each other from the platform and you could tell there was some kind of rivalry going on. Or when an obnoxious teenage boy whose voice was changing would get up on the platform all full of himself and smirking in his new suit because he was a male and therefore destined for great things, and preach at everybody including sisters his mom or grandma's age, about what they should do and how to run their lives. He always got clapping and ooh's and ahh's too!
Doubtfully Yours
I hate it with a passion when the meeting will end late and, to add insult to injury, they ask a brother that takes like 5 minutes to say a prayer to close the meeting.
I usually complaint to the elders, whoever I find on my way out the door, about the meetings ending late and to make matters worse putting someone that takes so darn long to offer a prayer.
Only Governing body members can go overtime. Ever seen one at an assembly NOT go overtime?
This is so true. And for conventions it didn't necessarily have to be an GB member. My aunt who one might call very "spiritual" used to get SO upset when the assembly would run over time. Of course, being a "good sister" she never said a word. Frustrating!!!!
The last 2 years that I went, including the year I was still an elder, if the parts went overtime, I'd just up and leave AND tell them why! I'd let them know that if they continued going overtime, I was going to set the example and leave. (Not for every part but if the evening didn't end on time, I was outa there).
Thanks for your input. I agree with all your comments. Yeah, lengthy prayers was another kill-joy especially when the meeting had already gone overtime.
I remember once at a convention held in Toronto during the mid-fifies and Percy Chapman (Branch Overseer) gave the closing prayer. Well, if you think five minutes of prayer was long, Percy's was 10 minutes!
When these meetings went overtime I was fit to be tied, how about you?
Golf -
1) Having to go to them
2) Having to sit down and pretend to listen
3) Having to stand up and pretend to sing
4) Long-ass ending prayers that put convention prayers to shame
5) Greeting people and pretending I liked them
6) Pretending to be happy to be there!