ELDERS going overtime without a doubt my biggest pet peeve
What's Your Pet Peeve At The Meetings?
by Golf 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I hated when it was nice outside and we were all stuck inside. On the other hand, I loved when they decided to end a meeting quickly because it was snowing. whoooooooohoooooo!!!!!!!
When they started the meetings late, I was off to the races because I knew they would go overtime.
I sit here shaking my head remembering them days. Is it still the same, most likely.
Golf -
We had the book study at our house so i hated how there would always be the same people every week who would hang around for ages afterwards talking about crap (probably, i was generally spaced out).
What i did love was when the visiting brother doing the public talk got lost/didnt show and they would just do the watch tower and we got to go home early. THAT was awesome
In our hall, the constant, oh so important references to "the faithful slave"; remember brothers this is from the faithful slave; what is the direction of the slave on this? The slave has seen fit to inform us.
After you see the strings, you just cannot abide it any more. The mind control in the use of that phrase is so obvious.
How about this one: the clapping after the final prayer at assembly/convention. It made me wanna puke; it usually was a lousy prayer to boot.
Oh, what an exciting life to be a JW!!!!! What a relief just being far, far away from this org. Golf rules are not restrictive as WT rules.
Golf -
And I really hated this new thing of clapping after a convention finished.. who the hell started that?? I never did it, I just got my things together, it was so FALSE. And didn't we enjoy that brothers.. well actually no.. I didn't, and I doubt 99% of the people here would rather be here than in a comfy chair at home watching tv but nobody would actually say it!
Poppy xxx
Yeah, what's up with that...that is soooooo annoying!
Brother and Sister amibitous-for-prominence who would sit in the front row, and then turn around, crane their necks and stare at each person who walked in late, or got up to go to the bathroom, or did anything that might be gossip worthy.
I used to advance the clock 3 or 4 minutes so that it wouldn't go over time.
They still managed to go overtime.
I guess their reasoning IS, you can't get too much of a good thing....
When I used to go, we had three small children to raise, and my elderly folks living with us. I was exhausted and there was too many meetings and they ran to late especially on Thursday night when kids needed to be home and in bed so they would not sleep through school the next day. Just having to attend 5 hrs of meetings plus all the time it required getting ready and going and coming was exhausting for a family. They should have never tried to pressure us to be at all meetings. To miss meetings was to be viewed as weak. By the time my children were in middle school, I didn't give a flip. I missed meetings and rested. My poor children were dragged miserably to the meetings by their very anal Dad.
Just too much, it is any wonder that people have stopped going to all those meetings?