Did you have a "third" hall for the Theocratic Ministry School?

by truthseeker 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I have never been to a congregation where they had a third hall for talks. Is it rare to have a third school?

  • twinflame

    We had them in 2 different halls I attended. The 3rd was always very small and used for newer people that were too nervous for larger groups. Plus it was such a large group, it was the only way for people to have talks with any regularity.

  • blondie

    Once I was in a congregation that was at the limits of one congregation attendance (175 publishers). They weren't splitting because there weren't enough elders for 2 congregations. There were 3 schools until then (duh, not enough elders, they had an MS conduct the 2nd and 3rd).

    Usually, with the number of cancellations and "qualified" people not signed up in the school, many congregations find it hard to field one school.


  • vitty

    Yeah, we did, we belonged to a really big congregation before it split. I hated it and it was always cold there

    And you had to go through all the trouble of doing your talk, practicing it and then doing it in front of no one !

    And before you say it Defd, I know that wasnt the point

    It didnt last long though, well with low meeting attendance and ppl cancelling their talks, they had a problem getting a full third school

  • delilah
    Yes, one KH we attended when I was young had three schools.....it was in a large city. If I remember correctly, they soon split the congregation up, yet again.......
  • xjwms

    WE DID

    late 70's

    I was one of the MS's who even conducted. Giving counsel, ya right, everybody got GOOD from me.

  • Finally-Free

    We had a third school for a while but it never got used. A lot of us were cancelling our talks at the last minute. I was probably the worst offender. Eventually the third school was converted to a second elders meeting room. I assume that's because "Jehovah was speeding up the work in his own time" and helping people leave the cult.


  • Mysterious

    We had a second school for a while here. It was better since it was in front of about 20 people instead of 100 but there were no mics and the audience was seated a few feet away so if you were nervous they knew it a lot more readily. However, the number of people willing to give a talk declined to the point that they eliminated the second school. That didnt stop numerous public needs talks trying to encourage enrollment and as a point of pride be able to reopen the second school.

  • luna2

    The congo here had a third school for a while after the new KH was built, but I believe it was disbanded not long before I stopped going to meetings. Those little schools were a pain in the neck...you felt like you were sitting on top of the audience sometimes. Blech.

  • Dune

    We havent had even a second hall in a few years, let alone a third.

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