We were 'supposed' to have 2 schools but most of the time it was condensed into one school or, if we managed to have enough participants for 2 schools the # 4 Talk was usually 'piped' into the library on the sound system. I guess Joe Hoba was simplifying things.
Did you have a "third" hall for the Theocratic Ministry School?
by truthseeker 15 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, phoenix in the 80's at our hall we had three schools. I was on the impromptu list to help out with all the cancellations.
We had only a second school in Palmer, MA. I also remember them sending the third talk down through the sound system many times because of cancellations. What I really hated was when you had a talk scheduled for the second school but someone scheduled for upstairs cancelled and you had to give your talk in the main hall. Man that was awful.
Hardly ever used it, but yes we did.
Yes , for a little while.
It used to be on the school schedule that if the enrollment exceeded ?? students, there should be another school. We had enough for 3 , but the # of no shows eventually took it's toll.
I was the School overseer & it was a real pain making up 3 schedules.
Yah, Auburn New York did for a while. Small congregation, but we had one. It got to the point that you were giving talks about every thirty seconds, and I have been known to whip up a mean talk in under 5 minutes after forgetting I had one. Or my personal favorite, when the person who had the talk didn't show and they asked someone to take it. I was a sucker for that, LOL