So are you guys telling me that the experience of the sister in Africa that walked 10 miles 1 of which was thru croc infested waters holding her books and a change of clothes above her head so they wouldn't get wet, just so she could go to the the book study. Probably is greatly exjagerated?!?!?!
Oh NO, Loosie! THAT experience was true, at least the way I see it! There were just too many of these true-life examples of all these downtrodden individuals to not be true!
You forgot to add that once they arrived at the KH (which was an open-air and wall-less hut) they then had to sit on wooden crates fanning the moths and mosquitoes, and trying to keep the little ones in check, as the meetings proceeded according to proper WTS schedule.
Once over and having the sheer "enjoyment" of being with their bros & sis', they then faced the prospect of traipsing home through those croc-infested waters once again. Didn't these experiences just warm your heart? Didn't you wonder why the WTS didn't see fit to provide them with more adequate KHs, maybe some mosquito netting, and most importantly----some kind of transportation for these folks?
Did we ever hear of a CO and his wife having to travel over the same treacherous paths to get to the same KHs for his visit? Don't be ridiculous, Loosie! (LOL!) (my very poor imitation of Desi!)
On a more personal note, my (then) son-in-law (in the mid 1980s) was an MS and had a part in one assembly in Syracuse. We were all so proud! Turns out that within a few months after his short-lived stage appearance, he was DFed for a long habit of smoking! (who knew?) My daughter turned him in to the elders. She had told me she had, and was quite proud of doing it-----to keep the congregation clean dontcha know!
Life is funny though.....for so many years we shunned him and thought the worst until he was reinstated. A few years later he upped and left my super-fine perfect-pioneer daughter and she had called to tell me she had NO IDEA why he would do such a thing! This was in 1998.
Just recently, it all came to light that he had caught her cheating on him but wouldn't admit to it, and he left. He had been told by his workmates and had taken steps to "check it out for himself". It has all been proven that he was right....and he has "left the trooth" forever because of all he saw and how she was favored during all this nonsense due to her "status". I saw him in September when he was home to visit his ailing Mom, and we had a long talk. He was able to fill in the cracks of so many things that I could never figure out on her behavior. I actually like him more than when we were both JWs, we are such different people now! I would welcome him into my home a lot sooner than I would welcome my lying (to and about me) daughter.
So to bring this all into perspective----the "models" that we were all trying to be and what we thought we had to "be" as JWs, has all been stripped away and for us DFed abd DAed ones---we are genuine people now, not under the "writ and rule" of a sham organization that thrived on and insisted on acceptable "appearances". Nice change.