Trouble For Richie

by RichieRich 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    Dammit Richie, that sucks. In the future you'll have to be more careful. Try using an elder's name as a handle, and an elder's pic as an avatar.


  • Legolas

    Dammit Richie, that sucks. In the future you'll have to be more careful. Try using an elder's name as a handle, and an elder's pic as an avatar.


    Lmao@ Finally Free

  • startingover

    Just to let you know Richie that I really admire you. Hopefully this is just a speedbump in your life. You have a tremendous amount of wisdom for your age and I have no doubt you will go far with it. Hang in there!

    Good idea FF!

  • daystar

    You'll make it past all of this crap and it will all be just a bad dream to you some day.

    Good luck!

  • Billygoat

    (((((((Richie))))))))) I'm so sorry. Even though me getting DFed was one of the hardest experiences I've been through (back when I was about your age too!), it was the biggest blessing to me. I'm out 15 years now and haven't looked back. Life is free. And when life is free, life is good.

    Hang in there friend and in the meantime, we'll be waiting for your return. PLEASE stay in touch!


  • Gretchen956


    You have my respect and admiration! For a young stud you seem to have your sh!t together! Good luck with the future and I hope you get past this tempest in a teacup soon and back to a more normal life. Let us know how this turns out.



  • wanderlustguy

    You know man, I would say sorry and all that crap, but the bottom line is you knew what you were doing. Hell, you post pictures from the convention for crying out loud. I know it's stressfull and I would imagine the only thing you don't like about it all is that you have others being affected by your myspace friends list. So in a way, I'm sorry about you feeling that stuff, but in another way, I know you are proud of who you are and those guys who are going to try to squeeze you will play hell.

    So I am happy for you in that you are making a stand so early in your life and know what the hell is going on, and am proud to know you.

    Try not to tear them up too bad...

  • doodle-v


    Sorry to here about this. Hang in there, and try to keep in touch.


  • nicolaou

    Oh crap! It feels like someone's bullying your kid brother! Richie, if I could get over there I'd beat the snot out of those elders. I'm sure you've got plenty of support but here my addy as well - jwnet-at-hotmail-dot-com

    All the best man.

  • DannyHaszard
    I'm so sorry for your troubles Richie! Don't forget you can use the library internet! Keep us posted when you can, carla

    Ditto from Danny

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