The 10 second troll rebuttal form.
[X] Clueless Newbie
[ ] Loser
[X] Brainwashed Troll
[X] Holier Than Thou Watchtowerite
[ ] Spammer
[ ] 13 year old l337 d00d
[ ] Clueless Flamer
[ ] Whiner
[X] Book Taught Loony
[] You posted a stupid apologistic thread that was doused in bad reasoning and WT society buzzwords, resulting in nothing more than making us amazed at your ignorance and at the same time, frustrating us with it.
[ ] You posted a personal attack against a mod
[ ] You should have used the Search Feature
[X] You claimed we were lying even though we presented sufficient and well-documented evidence proving our point
[ ] You personally attacked a regular poster in a heinous manner (I.E. making fun of a Silent Lamb, etc.)
[ ] You can't flame worth crap
[X] You posted a "Sky is falling, the system is going to end, you're going to be dead soon if you're not repentant" thread
[ ] You ressurected a long dead, stupid thread
[X] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ ] You flamed someone and got burnt
[ ] You typed in text/leet speak
[X] You posted false information then refused to back it up.
[ ] You posted a video/site we've all seen a thousand times before on your first post.
In Punishment, You Must:
[X] Go to college and learn how to think logically (But don't tell your elders)
[X] Stop posting and go to your meeting. You're too dull to flame against us so you might as well go back to your intellectual echo chamber. (Too many big words for you?)
[X] Actually post something relevant
[ ] Read the Damn FAQ
[X] Go to your room with no supper
[X] Apologize to everybody on this forum (execpt Tetrapod.Sapien, who loves it!)
[X] Stand in the corner and read till you die of boredom
[X] Take a shower with a blowdryer
[ ] All of the above
In Closing, I'd Like to Say:
[X] Learn to type using ALL the correct letters, also, learn how to spell.
[X] Welcome to irrelevency.
[X] Smelling gasoline isn't worth losing your brain cells over.
[X] Press Alt and F4
[ ] Can I have your stuff?
[X] Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
[ ] All your base are belong to us. Go every Zig.
[ ] All of the above
The preceding Forum Form Flame was constructed for use on people not worthy of actual thought or effort in being flamed.
People so ignorant that a simple copy/paste and a few check marks is all that's necessary to properly relay the flamer's contempt for the flamee. You have been identified as such a person and as such, this flame was brought to you in under 10 seconds.