I want you to know that you have destroyed a family because of your lies about Jehovah and his organization.
What lies are you referring to? If you are going to accuse someone of lying you need to produce the evidence.
A family member went apostate and has turned his back on Jehovah. He told us he is never coming back and I know he went and visited internet sites
So this family member doesn't believe the same way as you do. So what! You can still have relationship with them if you want to. The ball is in your court. You're the ones who pick up your marbles and don't want to play anymore just because someone doesn't agree with you.
As for the internet. Learn the truth and the truth will set you free. It happens to the best of witness who venture out of the controling world of the Watchtower into internet world of free thought. If you want to remain a witness you need to obey the Watchtower and stay away from any form of information they don't control.
For all I know he could be on this one.
See you may have something in common with your relative after all. You go to the same apostate website. Hang out with the same apostates.
please stop trying to actively take Jehovah's sheep out of the organization
Contrary to what you believe people aren't being dragged out of the Watchtower. When someone wants to be a JW facts don't bother them. No matter what facts are shown to them they call them lies and believe whatever the Watchtower tells them to believe. It's what you call being brainwashed. It is when someone is already having doubts that a sight like this is most helpful. It gives them a chance see the side the Watchtower has been hiding from them. Also a place to vent their anger about the lies and abuse they have suffered.
You don't know how this has wrecked our family
No, you choose to let it wreck your family. We have different beliefs in my family and the only ones who are a pain in the butt about it are the Witness. If your family gets torn apart over this it is because of how the Watchtower teaches you to view those who question their authority. You're the ones who turn your back on those who leave. Most witness who leave would still like to a relationship with their family.
I will not come back to this board but you apostates need help
So stick around and help us. We enjoy new members. You may not be a full fledged apostate but just being online and coming to this site shows great potential. You at least qualify for a junior apostate merit badge. Welcome aboard.