Thanks for your responses. Sorry I work long days and since last night have been unable to return to the board. The reason for asking is that there seems to be an increasing of hatred towards the police in the UK, as it slowly evolves into a Police State. You get hammered for everything, and the boys in blue are there but only when it suits them. I'll give you an example, the other day I reported a crime and the filth wanted to know more about me than about the people committing the crime. Its the same with motorists... we get hammered left, right and center. Traffic cops are the worst kind of scum. And isnt it funny how the coppers hate it when one of their own gets killed but when its an ordinary guy they dont give a shit? This is Blairs Britain. Maybe the death of that policewoman gunned down is JUST AS BAD as the death of every innocent pedestrian that the police have killed behind the wheel (there has been a 40% rise in Police caused traffic deaths since last year) And then an elderly gentleman down the road from me had a knock on his door by the filth over the weekend and they wanted to check his emmission levels, he let them, his levels were ok, so they done him on low tyre pressure instead. Scum of the earth in my book.