Dear Fellow Witnesses

by Carlo 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carlo

    Dear Fellow Witnesses of the true God Jehovah,

    With all the anti-Watchtower information that has been spreading all over the world via the Internet, it becomes all the
    more important to stay close to Jehovah and his organization. To this end, the enclosed information should be very
    helpful in protecting the brotherhood from whatever misleading information is out there by keeping formost in mind
    the REAL issues that are are involved in one's relationship with Jehovah God and his Son, Christ Jesus.

    After very careful consideration, it is felt the most important advise that will protect all faithful Witnesses is this:
    Under no circumstances should anyone read the book "Crisis of Consicence" by the former member of the Governing
    Body, Raymond Franz! As the March 15, 1986 warned us...

    When a fellow human tells us, 'Do not read this', or 'Do not read that,' we may be tempted to ignore his advice. But
    remember, in this case Jehovah is the One who tells us in his Word what to do..If, out of curiosity, we were to read the
    literature of a known apostate, would that not be the same as inviting this enemy of true worship right into home to sit
    down with us and relate his apostate ideas?

    Therefore it is out of respect for the wisdom Jehovah God that we never read anything that the Governing Body tells
    us not to read.

    The fact that everything in "Crisis of Conscience" is true is NOT the issue!

    It matters not that Pastor Russell, Joseph Rutherford, Nathan Knorr and even Frederick Franz prophecied many
    things that never came true. Neither does it matter that the men of the current Governing Body routinely misrepresent
    the organizations' history in their efforts to cover up their mistakes. Those who have left the organization, for selfish
    reasons, have never been able to accept these facts.

    Some of you may have heard about what the Society has allowed the brothers to do in Mexico. And that is that elders,
    Circuit and District Overseers and even members of the Bethel family, were permitted to illegally bribe government
    officials in order to have them falsify a military certificate ("cartilla") which says that they had succesfully completed
    Basic Training which then enrolled them in the Mexican Army First Reserve.

    But our response to that is, "So what?" In what possible way does that affect our relationship with Jehovah today?
    Does the Governing Body's conduct relative to Mexico change the fact that "this good news of the Kingdom will be
    preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations?" Of course not! - Matt. 24:14

    And then there is this matter of Malawi, Africa. Just because 20,000 or so of the brothers and sisters in that country
    were forced to leave their homes and country; many of them robbed, beaten, raped and murdered just because the
    Society had an opposite policy in that country from the one they had in Mexico is no reason to stop going to meetings
    is it? That was over 20 years ago! What does that have to do with anything today? Do any of these things change the
    fact that we are living in "the last days," or that Jehovah has a "faithful and discreet slave" that is providing us with
    our "food at the proper time?" The answer is obvious to all honest-hearted persons. - Matt. 24:45-47

    And another thing, What is the motive of Mr. Franz for including all this negative information in his book? If he is so
    concerned about helping people then why doesn't he repent and come back to Jehovah's organization where he can
    again share in the joy of proclaiming the Governing Body's latest message, whatever it might be!

    These elderly men at the Brooklyn Headquarters are fully aware of Mexico, Malawi and all the false prophecies that
    the organization has been involved in since the very first issue of the Watch Tower magazine of July, 1879. There are
    other faithful brothers all over the world who are aware of many of the same things, but it doesn't bother any of these
    spirirually mature ones.

    Why not? Because they understand the REAL issue today, so deep into "the conclusion of the system of things," is
    LOYALTY!... Loyalty to Jehovah's spirit-directed organization! And as the Governing Body has explained, We cannot
    be loyal to Jehovah unless we are loyal to his organization. And the only way that such loyalty can be shown is by
    following the men of its Governing Body no matter what they say or do. - Matthew 24:3

    Theocratic ones recognize the Divine wisdom as was expressed in the May 1, 1957 Watchtower which is just as true
    today as it has always been in the God's "spiritual paradise." The pronoun "we" has been changed to "you" in order
    to make it easier for the reader to see where they stand in relation to the Governing Body...

    You (i.e. all Jehovah's Witnesses who are not members of the Governing Body) shall not be unsettled by any thing that
    happens. If something comes up that you do not understand you will wait patiently until it is made clear to you. If you
    feel something is wrong you will wait on Jehovah. You will not forsake (the Governing Body's) teaching by immedately
    beginning to criticize and find fault. You will realize that Jehovah knows what is going on in his organization, and if he
    is willing to permit it, who are you to insist it should be different? If you really have faith, you will know that if
    something is wrong, Jehovah will straighten it out eventually.

    And so it doesn't matter what the Society and its leadership has ever done in the past, or will yet do in the future.
    Jehovah knows everything that they have done, and that is what matters. Surely he would not be pleased if we were to
    try to run ahead of his organization by presumptuously claiming that we know better how things should be done.

    There may be some of you will be be surprised to learn that all of the Society's most prominent men have put Jehovah's
    name on several of their own personal speculations that never occured or came true. But just because they have made
    some false propheies, does that make them false prophets according to Deuteronomy 18:20-22? Not at all! They simply
    made the same kind of mistakes that Jesus' apostles made in the first century when they asked him, "Are you restoring
    the Kingdom to Israel at this time?" - See Acts 1:6

    For those who are less mature, consider what one elder said about the ongoing misinformation that the Governing
    Body keeps providing for us...

    "If they told us the truth about the Society's history the organization would fall apart! And so they can't tell us the

    Now stop and think... If we had been told the truth about the Society's record of false prophecies, would we have
    studied very long? Or if we had been allowed to see how often the Governing Body is less than honest about the
    Society's history, would we have ever been baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Probably not. So then, can you
    now see the wisdom of not being told the truth?

    There are several other advantages to being misinformed like this.

    First of all, when one doesn't know the truth about his own religion he doesn't have to feel guilty when he passes
    misleading formation on to others. And too, can you imagine how difficult it would for the immature ones if they came
    to know these things to soon...If, for example, they realized that most of what they believe about the organization's
    history is just a fairy tale, they might use that as an excuse to start missing meetings! How do you think Jehovah would
    feel about those who would show such lack of respect for his arrangement?

    It is hoped that everyone will recognize that the conduct of the men of the Governing Body has NEVER been at issue!
    Rather, isn't the important thing, that "all speak in agreement" and that there is "love among yourselves?" And aren't
    these the most important things which identify those who worship "the God of truth" and those who do not? - See 1
    Cor.1:10 and John 13:35

    And there is one more thing to consider: Who wants to find out that he/she has been mislead for so long? There aren't
    many people who can face such reality. So rather than face it, why not adopt the same attitude as one elder (who also
    has served as a temporary Circuit Overseer when called upon) who said...

    "I would rather go to my grave being deceived than to find out that the Society isn't who they say they are."

    True, it may not be easy for everyone to reason this way, but isn't it worth trying since he is one of the most respected
    elders in his assignment?

    So then, what can we learn from all this? Will we "immitate the faith" of the Governing Body since they are so
    "faithful" and "discreet" (Hebrews 13:7)? It will help eveyone to do so if it is kept in mind that since Jesus is not our
    Mediator, then our only hope of salvation is if we follow them. - 1 Timothy 2:5; Psalm 146:3

    Remember, "The time left is reduced." So may we worship Jehovah "in truth" as we continue to warn all those in false
    religion that very soon now "the God of truth" will destroy "everyone liking and carrying on a lie." - 1 Cor. 7:29;
    John 2:24; Revelation 22:15

  • RedhorseWoman

    Carlo, honey.....I DO like your style.....I really do.

  • outcast

    My eyes have been opened! Thank you Bro. Carlo for saving me in the nick of time. Where is my Watchtower and yellow highliter for tomorrow?

    Damn, I hope that polyester suit still fits.

  • BugEye

    One of the things that you mentioned bears repeating.

    We truly are deep in it!!!

    And that Franz character should also accept the councel from Jehovah and return to the fold where he can disappear into oblivion and repetative menial and useless tasks like so many of the wonderful drones ... oops I mean Brothers.

    Continue the great work brother


  • noidea


    I want your honest true answer to this question. Since you know sooooooooooo much about COC, I feel the need to ask you this.

    Have you read that book. The truth now. Remember Jehovah is watching you. If you do not reply to this post then we will have to take that as a yes.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Noidea, I think that "yes" is probably a very good answer to assume. Did you really READ Carlo's post?

  • jst2laws

    >>, when one doesn't know the truth about his own religion he doesn't have to feel guilty when he passes misleading formation on to others<<


    >>And there is one more thing to consider: Who wants to find out that he/she has been mislead for so long? There aren't many people who can face such reality. <<

    This is a great piece of work.
    You sounded so legit at the beginning I read in disbelief. Then it was so much fun.


    This is a great piece of work

  • Undecided


    This one is definitely worth saving in my collection of valuable post.
    Thanks for your thoughtful examination of the "truth" and GB. How could anyone read this without going back to meetings and regaining his faith in God's organization? I can't wait to go out in service tomorrow and place magazines, or is it tracts now? My relatives will be so happy to get me back under the control of the GB. I don't care if the 1914 generation last for two more generations, I won't have time to think about it anymore since I will be going to all those meetings. I'm so excited.

    Ken P.

  • Tanalyst

    Bet that that Ray Franz dude is one releived guy.His name ain't on any lawsuits coming out. The Governing Body did him 1 big favor 20 years ago.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango


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