Dear Fellow Witnesses

by Carlo 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisaBObeesa

    Were you on Jes-wit email group years ago? This post is so familiar...

  • Ranchette

    Oh my God!!!
    Let's break this down.
    1.Under no circumstances should you learn the real truth that has been deliberatly hidden from you all those years!
    2.Truth is not the issue!
    3.Dont read any thing that the GB doesn't give you permission to.OBEY!OBEY!
    4.Doesnt matter that they are proven to be false prophets!
    5.Doesn't matter that they have bribed Gov. officials!
    6.So What that many brothers and sis.were killed,run out of their homes ,raped etc..for refusing to do something so simple and completly legal because the GB said no.
    7.Ray Franze has not said he is sorry for telling the truth!
    8.I can't go on ,I'm about to puke!!!

    Next you'll be telling me "It doesn't matter,and So What that the GB had a policy in place that hurts childen by allowing pedipholes to run amuck under ther protection!
    I think you get the picture .I'm disgusted!

  • Maximus

    Uh, Ranchette,

    You've just suckered by a master.

    Carlo is our favorite circuit overseer, you see. Here's his web site.


    He's quite gifted with perfect theocratic advice.


  • BugEye


    Breathe .... Breathe

    I believe sarcasm was in play


  • larc

    Brother Carlo,

    You have saved me from being stumbled by the evil apostates. You have separated the wheat from the chaff for me. Loyalty is the wheat all the rest is chaff. I am going to shave my 5 year old beard and go to the meetings starting tomrrow.

    I hope they set another date soon. I need the excitment to get me all stirred up. Bought my house in 1976, and ready to sell again for the thrill of the pioneer work. Time to cash out that retirement plan too.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    carlo, your website claims 'Jehovah's Witnesses: The happiest people in the world'... excuse me while i puke on your shoe! i have never seen a happy jehovah's witness. THE FOLLOWING IS FALSE ADVERTISING

    oh, and why is the link to the above picture*idiots*.jpg ???

    *notice the IDIOTS part. hmmmmmmm?

    peace and love, mango

    i know the pieces fit because i watched them fall away...

  • noidea

    No, just that part where he said that it was true and it didn't matter. I stopped when he said we shouldn't read it.

  • Ranchette

    Did you mean perfectly nausiating advise?:-)Ha ha
    He did a wonderful job at waving huge red flags to warn every one what a nutty cult this is!
    People like this make me crazy because my mother is exactly like this.
    It's so hard to believe people really think like this.
    It's sick to me.I mean that literally.

    I don't know the technical lingo but there's a name for people who don't see that something that the rest of society sees as wrong or a crime that way.They justify and think their behavior is normal.
    Is it sociapath?

    Anyway this kind of thinking can be very dangerous,it can justify ANYTHING.Murder,pediphila,theft,false prophets, lies ,and on and on I could go.I see that it's just this kind of mentality that's responsible for so many of the problems in this group.
    I'll calm down now.

    Bugs eye, I'm breathing much better now that I got that out of my system.Thank you!I'll just have a drink now.

  • jayhawk1

    Thanks Carlo, you have saved me from being distroyed by my loving god. I am going to find that loving man Yadirf (deactivated by Simon for being rude) and thank him and all like him for making me see the light. I am truly choked up with tears, or choked up with something anyway.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • MrMoe

    And, is it not written that you should test your faith in the teachings of man, Jesus COMMANDS it? What are you so afraid of!?! So you comment to not to read this book or others like it and to obey-- is directly against the bible. Obey the teachings of man? I sure as hell don't think so. You obviously don't OBEY OBEY or you would not be here. I may never test my God Jehovah, but I will test man.

    You pawn.

    You read the book, that is OBVIOUS!

    God is not happy with you for directly knowing the governing body is WRONG and they are FALSE PROPHETS! A person can be "only human" and make a false prophecy, but can't be "only human" and commit formication or smoke a cigarette (which is NOT in the bible.)

    You are the spawn of Satan, the Anti-Christ, a liar, part of the blood guilty whore -- and that, my dear is NOT a joke.

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