Having a hard time tonight

by onesong 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • onesong

    Hi everyone,

    It's been 2 months since I was df'd and 4 months since I've talked to anyone in my family. For the most part I'm doing real well but every now and then it catches up with me. Ran into my dad today and when I tried to say hi he could only ignore me.

    I think the pain and hurt I feel now is more for him, he's in his own world of misery and doesn't even know it.

    Anyway, I'm a little drunk and depressed and just felt like getting it off my chest.

    Hope this doesn't bring anyone else down.


  • seven006

    ***Hope this doesn't bring anyone else down.***

    That depends…what are you drinking?

  • BrendaCloutier

    ((( onesong )))

    What you are feeling is normal - for the abnormal situation you are in.... all in the name of "The Truth(tm)". Bah! Humbug.

    However, normal or not, it still hurts so very much.



  • whyamihere


    Sorry hun....I am truly sorry you are hurting right now.


  • GoingGoingGone


    I'm sorry you're going through this.



    Sorry you are feeling down...it's tough to be df'd and not have any family support. Have a drink for each one that posts on your thread...that will definitely get you to feeling better!!!


  • Sassy

    I'm sorry you are hurting. I'm not dfd but my mom treats me like I am, since she thinks I should be. We haven't talked in over a yr. I miss her a great deal so I know some of your pain.

    Sorry we aren't closer.. I'd buy you a drink.

  • bigwilly

    Sorry man, the sht sucks. I'll have a couple of brews for you in about 1-1/2 hours

    Big Willy

  • lisavegas420

    I'm really sorry....I know how you feel.

    A few months ago, I started working on a scrapbook to mail to my parents that I haven't seen in years. I worked for months making sure each page was perfect. There was so much thought and love put in to that book. Every picture was special, a funny moment, or a special day together, There were pictures of my children and grandchildren that they have never met, and I made sure that none of the pictures had any pagan, holiday, birthday or anything that might bother their, ummm...whatever .. Anyway, it's been two weeks, I haven't heard a thing, not a thank you nor a kiss my ass. My daughter wants to call them up and tell them to send it back. She didn't want me to send it,....she wanted to keep it for herself. I kinda wish I did given to her now.

    Sorry to vent in your thread....


  • jeanniebeanz

    At first, it's like they take ahold of a freshly stitched chest wound and tear it back open every time they pull this crap on you. It hurts like hell and you want to scream, "What the hell is wrong with you?? I'm your kid!.. Have you no decency?"

    After a while it turns into anger and when you see them coming you put your hands over your healing wound and guard it against assault.

    Later, the would is healed but an ugly scar remains. It is tough and aches from time to time, but it is not as painful as before. It becomes a part of you.

    It is at this point that you take your shirt off and don't give a shit who sees it or who knows who put it there. And, if any moron is stupid enough to try to grab you by the scar to open it up again, you'll tear them a new one.

    That's kind of where I'm at with it. Maybe your experience will be different.

    It does hurt though, especially at first.


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