Having a hard time tonight

by onesong 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    (((((Onesong))))) You're sound perfectly normal sweetie. It's hard for sure. But like a work out program, it's going to have it's tough moments like this. Each time they come around, it gets easier and easier. And you're getting stronger and stronger. Hang in there. You've got the rest of your life to heal from this crap. Take your time!


  • lv4fer

    My heart and prayers go out to you. I will pray for your father too.

  • loosie

    Onesong, I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know what is wrong with parents sometimes.

    I keep telling myself that my child won't have a bad relationship whit me like I do with my mother, because I am not my mother.

    Sometimes we have to be our own parents, when our parents don't know how to be parents.

    Lisa, I agree with your daughter, Let her call them and ask for it back. It might make them realize how stupid they are acting.

  • atypical

    onesong, I am sorry for what you are going through. Hang in there and keep talking to people here who understand and can give you useful advice.

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    hey Jenniebeanz ...

    so beautifully stated and so true. and Onesong, if anything can make us rush for the Tequila it's the insanity that is The Borg. but like jeanniebeanz said, it gets better.

  • blondie

    4 months? onesong

    Just give it time, find some new friends, hang out with the old ones that have stayed loyal. Get involved in a hobby or volunteer. Post on JWD.

    I'm not df'd but I might as well be based on how my family treats me. While we become biological orphans we don't have to be emotional orphans.


  • lonelysheep

    (((((onesong)))) I'm sorry.

  • defd

    hang in there bro. I have been there. I was reinstated and benefited a great deal from that experience. If you wanna talk I am here.


  • Legolas
    Hope this doesn't bring anyone else down.

    I am already down, so I will join you!

    I hope you feel better soon

  • defd

    Why are you down legolas? If you dont mind me asking.


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