If the hypothetical person is upset that his parents shunned him, why should he also shun them now that they know that they were wrong and want to repair the relationship? Does this hypothetical person still love his parents? If he does, then he knows what he should do.
Hypothetical situation...
by zanex 14 Replies latest jw friends
Zanex, check your private messages above to the left. I'm in San Diego on business starting tomorrow so if you call me, and I don't get right back atcha, no worries. I've got you on my calendar for Monday. We'll talk.
I started talking to my sister after years of not seeing her--I am sure she was confused at first! I had decided that no one was going to tell me who I could and couldn't associate with! It was awkward at first, but things are great now. I sure missed her! Next, I need to call an old friend.........
My initial response is that they are his parents, there is going to be a bond there, the guy probably realises that his parents were brainwashed and believed that this isnt the real life, by shunning him they hoped it would force him to return and so gain life in paradise with them, he probably deep down underneath all the hurt would love to have his relationship with his parents back.
I think that he should probably have a really long think about his feelings, and just take things slowly, go on what his instincts are telling him and not just do things out of pity for his parents.
ok ao the whole "son" bit wasnt really disguised...its my pop...it has been so long and i have become so desensitized to those that would normally be called "family". Do not get me wrong I do have something that I choose to call parental respect and a feeling of some type of love for them but it is nothing close to what is typically felt by those of "worldly" families. I have developed a family of my own and it has taken my significant other quite some time to even convince ME of the fact that unconditional love does in fact exist so for my parents appearance upon my current stage of life is awkward...
Everyones comments ring true in some sense or another, but in the final analysis I am the one to make the "executive decision" as it were. As of this point my relationship with them is kind od in a "holding pattern" as I have not heard anything directly earth-shatteringly changing. Just small things here and there that are almost indicative of something more...deeper. I dunno...some small wishful thinking I am sure that wasnt washed out by the years of self-abuse..lol. Thanks for all the suggestions, comments and apparent reconnections here!
Lis...no worries, I am pretty busy this weekend with some random freelance work...ill call sometime on sunday..ish..a ton has changed since last we chatted! Ill see ya then!