First time posting here for me. I am not disfellowshipped but I have been in the past. I was reinstated probably 4-5 years ago, and I think I've been to the Kingdom Hall once since then. I will get into that later. I am not, however, a believer (is it i before e?, guess I would know if I was one). I come here and visit other "apostate" sites for my JW news. Ummm (word whisker, damn I was good at those five minute talks), I guess I am at a loss for words at the moment. Anyhow, I enjoy reading all of the stuff that people have to say and hopefully I'll get to add to it with humor and experiences.
by the way, river of deceit is not a clever name about jw religion. It is just a song I like. It is rather fitting though, dont you think?
I just read the guidelines and apologize for the word d*mn.