I tricked the elders and their holy spirit into reinstating me about three years later.
Never heard it put quite that way before.....
Welcome aboard !!!!
by riverofdeceit 28 Replies latest jw experiences
I tricked the elders and their holy spirit into reinstating me about three years later.
Never heard it put quite that way before.....
Welcome aboard !!!!
Greetings and welcome riverofdeceit. Mass you say? In Wareham Mass?
Hi river! Unlike High School ,Newbies get a warm welcome around here.
Welcome to the board. I enjoyed your story so far,interesting and hilarious.
Hi River, and welcome to the board
Hi Riverofdeceit. Welcome to the board.
Dude, love that Mad Season song!
believer (is it i before e?, guess I would know if I was one).
"I before E, except after C" is how I remember it.
Welcome to the board!
("Wake up young man, it's time to wake up...")
I remember the first time I ever received "serious" counsel from the elders. I was 17 or 18. It was on a Sunday, things seemed fine. An elder said something to the extent that he wished to speak with me after the meeting. They had some elders meeting after the meeting and I was there until noon and they were still in it so I ended up leaving. Subsequently, I ended up going home. I was planning on playing basketball with some friends from the hall.
Brother Rottman (elder and father of best friend at the time), called me there as I was preparing to leave and seemed rather angry that I had left. He said they still needed to talk to me. I had no idea what it was about. Seriously, I wasn't engaged in any wrongdoing or anything like that, but I was being called down to "the principals office", so to speak.
So I got there after picking up my cousin. This is where things become fuzzy. I was counseled on "having a bad attitude". I remember not knowing what that meant. If they could point out some sort of example. Let me know what I was supposed to be working on, or something. And the only thing I got back from them was that asking that "showed that I had a bad attitude". They also didn't like the way I kept my hair and my meeting clothes. I was dumbfounded.
I think this was also the meeting where "brother" Rottman blamed his stepson's deciding to stay permanently with his real father in Ohio when on a visit. Apparently the kid told him and his mother that I had encouraged him to do that. This kid was literally a pathological liar. Being his close friend I knew that I couldn't take 90% of anything he said to be true. (you dont have a lot of choices in friendships as a JW youth) So I said to them: "Why would I encourage my closest friend to move to Ohio?" Of course I didn't say anything like that to him. I don't know if they believed me but it was the truth. On the other hand, he had mentioned to me that he was thinking about it but I sure didn't want him to.
I became rather distraught and upset after it was all over. I have never figured out what the point of it all was either. I do remember blasting some music and speeding out of the parking lot pretty pissed off though. As far as I can remember, that was the point in my life where I actually developed my "bad attitude". I figured that if I were getting disciplined for something, I might as well be guilty of it. That is also the point that I lost any and all respect for any elders.
I know it isn't really a huge story. It doesn't have the shock value of some of the stories I've read. I grew up as a JW and this was the life I knew, but to all of a sudden, seemingly out of the blue be told: 'You have a problem and not knowing what the problem is proves that you have a problem.' was very disturbing to me. I think this is where my questioning and criticism began.
I do remember blasting some music and speeding out of the parking lot pretty pissed off though.
I laughed when I read that. HEY !!confirmed your bad attitude...!!! But good for you It shows you had/have INDEPENDANT THINKING!!!! A GOD given right GOOD for you!!! But keep the blasting on your car radio down , my grandson does that & it hurts my ears, but he is allowed