why celebrate christmass?

by Cordelia 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • jstalin

    I'm a former Catholic, current Atheist, and I celebrate Christmas. It's a good time with the family... a time to help others out.

  • undercover

    Why not celebrate Festivus? LOL

    Seriously though, celebrate Xmas as a secular holiday instead of a religous one. I visited some friends a couple of years ago at Xmas and they had their tree up and presents wrapped, stockings on the fireplace, lights in the yard, the whole works. But missing completely in all the ornaments, the wrappings, everything, was Jesus. No religious reference at all. They were celebrating the winter solstice fesitval as much as they were the birth of Jesus.

    What was really interesting is that, outside of me, no one really noticed. Everybody was so wrapped up in the season that no one really noticed that they were leaving Jesus out of it and just using the holiday to have a good time.

    So I've kinda combined Fesitvus (from the Seinfeld show) and the secular version of Xmas and created Festimas. I go to all the Xmas parties, throw a a party even, accept gifts, give a few gifts, enjoy the spirit of the season but I don't get a tree or get into all the decorations or wear silly Xmas sweaters. I'm celebrating the holidays on my own terms, not on what others think I should or shouldn't do.

  • Cami

    Hey... I thought this place was for J.Ws... I'm outta here.

  • undercover
    Hey... I thought this place was for J.Ws... I'm outta here.

    and you had to post to tell us that??

  • Ellie

    I'm with you there Diamondblue, I'd love to go to a midnight mass too, maybe we should go together.

  • diamondblue1974
    Hey... I thought this place was for J.Ws... I'm outta here.

    On your way out dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya! DB74

  • diamondblue1974
    maybe we should go together.

    If you promise not to wear your police jacket...I have some street cred to live upto you know!!!

  • undercover
    maybe we should go together.
    If you promise not to wear your police jacket...I have some street cred to live upto you know!!!

    A girl in a green jacket and a little green guy...sounds cute...

  • AlmostAtheist

    Traditions are "bad" according to the Watchtower. They tend to phrase it "traditions of men", which I guess puts it in contrast with "traditions of god" or something. At any rate, they try to cast traditions in a bad light.

    But they aren't bad at all. Traditions are wonderful. They connect you to your past. You put up your tree and know that millions of others are doing the same, and have done it for generations. You can mark the passing of the seasons by the decorations about your home. It's great.

    It also gives you a chance to start your own traditions. We decided that every year we would all buy each other a special tree ornament. This is our second Christmas, so we'll have a total of 8 special ones next year. In a few years, our tree will be covered in special, unique ornaments. When Zach and Sierra move out, they can take theirs with them (provided Gina lets them!) and the tradition can carry into their homes. When we die, maybe our ornaments will have meaning to them as they hang on their tree, and our grandkids trees.

    Or maybe they'll get pitched with our other junk, go figure kids, right? ;-)

    Bottom line is: Watchtower tends to ask, "Why should we do this?" But the better question in the face of a tradition is, "Why should we not?"


  • Finally-Free
    why celebrate christmass?

    There's plenty of reasons to celebrate, even if you don't believe in it:

    1. Family get togethers.
    2. Getting presents.
    3. Giving presents.
    4. Buying presents for yourself.
    5. Annoy the hell out of local JWs by having a big-ass tree right in your living room window.
    6. Eat lots of food.
    7. Drink excessively.
    8. Get laid at office Christmas parties.


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