How many left the JW cult after.....

by AK - Jeff 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tez

    For me it was when most of my children left.. I didn't want to shun them and I couldn't see the point of it any more, or in my marriage come to that. I was 47 and felt I had wasted so much time!! Had been a JW 22 years, and married for 30 years. Though will never regret having my children, they have given me so much joy!!

  • luna2

    I became inactive at 45. Couldn't live like that any longer. Maybe when you get older, you just don't have as much patience left to put up with things that aren't working.

  • Undecided
    I just got fed up and quit one day with their rules.. I didnt' leave cuz I saw through them, I left cuz I thought I'd rather enjoy life and die, than be stuck forever in their rules..

    I was like Sassy, I just wanted to live MY life, not a life for the WT. This was in 1974 and I didn't care if Armageddon was comming in 1975, I wasn't going to get back under all those responsibilities in the congregation. I was just divorced by my JW wife and I married a worldly woman with two kids and have been happy ever since. I had moved to DC so gave up all my positions in the congregation, lost my wife in DC, and then moved back to my old job and town, but not the positions I had in the congregation as PO, ministry school servant, CBS conductor, WTS conductor and I've forgotten what else.

    It wasn't untill I got on the internet and joined HBO that I really learned the truth about the "TRUTH".

    Ken P.

  • eyeslice

    I quit as an elder and simply stopped attending any meetings at the age of 51 (2 years ago).
    After a life time in, it was as easy as that.

  • Mulan

    I was 50 and had been there since age 4. Very traumatic, but I recovered.

  • littlemike
  • littlemike

    Hi Everyone

  • littlemike

    Hi everyone I left after 42 years from birth and my wife left aged 41 a year before me. She had sussed it out herself that it was wrong i had to do all the research. Wish I had done the research when I was a teenager

  • dedpoet

    I joined and left after the age of 40 - I was baptised at 41 and left at 48, although I have only da'd this year, I haven't been to a kh in 6 years

  • coolhandluke
    I think it has to do with reaching the middle of your life and looking back to see if you've accomplished anything other words, are you happy with your life as you've lived it?

    You old foggies don't have the monopoly I left when I was 24 basically because I couldn't stand the prodding feelings in my stomach anymore. It was literally killing me. After my departure my disease disappeared as if it never existed. I looked back at my late teens and my early 20's and saw all of my potential being wasted. I saw how many opportunities I had spurned as a result of upholding the divine way.

    I knew that I was too bad person to ever see the reward, but it was worth it if Jehovah's sovereignty was upheld. But that really wasn't the feeling that I got from the elders as to their motivation... then the scales fell from my eyes. It was after this realization that I knew that leaving meant that I was on my way to becoming one of the baddest muthaf*ckas of all time. Life is good!

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