It depends on how you look at it. I attended my last meeting in 1987, at the age of 35. But I didn't exactly leave at that time. I just quit going to meetings and out in service. I still thought it was the Truth, I knew it was the Truth, but in my heart, I also knew I wasn't good enough and that Jehovah didn't want me. I remember praying to Jehovah and telling him: "You can kill me now or you can kill me later, but I can't do it anymore." And that's when I quit. For over 10 years, I groped and stuggled, fought depression, sometimes suicidal depression, and in general wasted a lot of years and a lot time feeling guilty. What was the turning point? The internet. My daughter got a computer and she typed in "Jehovah's Witnesses", and she told me that I really need to read some of the things she found. God Bless the Internet. It led me to Freeminds, Ray Franz & COC, jehovah' and it was like a veil being lifted from eyes. Everything became so clear.
God Bless the Internet.