Execution in United States Are You For It?

by jayhawk1 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spectre

    I want to see the smoking gun. I want proof positive that someone did the crime. If that criteria is met, fry them.

  • freedom96

    The only issue I have with the death penelty is that it takes too damn long to kill them. Convict them. Maybe one shot at an appeal if there was something messed up with the trial, and then be done with it.

    One more thing. Allow the victims families to pull the switch, if they wish.

  • SeymourButts

    Nope...Against it

    BUT....not for the reason that you might think. The only puishment that one would recieve if executed, would be the thought of knowing you were going to be put to death and were about to die. That is not punishment.....once that person is dead, that's it....they're dead. They are not laying in some coffin somewhere saying, "Oh gee, I'm dead...I guess I shouldn't have done that". They are just dead...no consciousness, no mythical hell to suffer in, just dead. They don't know that they are dead....they are dead.

    I want torture....pain and suffering......solitary confinement....bread and water....won't see daylight until the day they die. And if possible....keep them alive as long as I can....to prolong the suffering. If you think this is inhumane....give them a gun with one bullet.....their choice. THAT would be punishment....execution isn't.

    And, I pity the sob that would break into my home when I am there. I'm not shooting to kill, I am shooting to maim, to injure, to cause much pain and suffering. Maybe when he wakes up every morning and has to strap on his wooden leg, he will think twice about ever robbing someone again.

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Got any unresolved anger issues Seymour? LOL

  • Ellie

    I'm not in favour for a number of reasons.

    1. There will always be someone who investigates the matters years later and 'discovers' some doubt.

    2. It'll give the liberals something else to get upset about.

    3. It won't save as much money as some may think, given the endless appeals etc.

    4. Why make a 'martyr' out of a scumbag?

    5. It's an admission that we've lost control.

    I am in favour of 'natural life' sentences though.

  • prophecor

    Hard Labour, 6 Days a Week

  • bull01lay

    I'm really torn on this one.

    If you have someone that is a repeat offender - be it murder or any form of child abuse - then they are dangerous to society, and should be permanently removed.

    If it's a first time offence, they should be incarcerated, with regular psychological reviews. If they show no signs of genuine remorse - then execute them, cos they'll only end up in the category above.

    That would be ideal if the justice system was 100% accurate in its guilty / non guilty verdicts.

    However, it isn't. What about the poor sods that get framed or falsely accused, or just let down by poor legal representation ? How could their execution, which in effect would be murder, be justified ?

    As no justice system can be infallable, how can it justify a death sentence ?

    That's my personal feelings on it, and why I'm torn in my views.


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    I like the "smoking Gun"theory that one poster mentioned.

    There was a case here recently where an overtly Rascist Murder took place and the 2 Scumbags were sentenced yesterday to long stretches.

    Theyre testimony was so full of holes and stupid ,that clearly they were guilty as sin.

    2 pieces of rubbish that will be out in 20 years with no intention of contributing to society.

    Hell,they should Hang.

  • glitter

    I'm against it on principle as it's barbaric and lowing ourselves to their level; but I seriously could not care less for guilty people who are executed - particularly #1,000 who killed his ex-wife and her father, and even the Australian who got hanged for drug smuggling. Singapore is a country that has/had even banned chewing gum and is insanely strict. Anyone who has anything to do with drugs in South East Asia is an imbecile - the severity of the laws in nations there are well known.

  • rwagoner

    The only issue I have with the death penelty is that it takes too damn long to kill them. Convict them. Maybe one shot at an appeal if there was something messed up with the trial, and then be done with it.

    One more thing. Allow the victims families to pull the switch, if they wish. We must be separated at birth. LOL um......what he said !

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