I have faded for the last 4 years...not DA'd of DF'd and so I walk around with nothing to hide. I always say hello to every JW that I see and they always say the same to me. I haven't noticed any of them running so far. Of course I always believed that it was o.k. to speak to disfellowshipped ones and was in an area that others thought so too. I'd see elders and the PO's always say hello and acknowledge the person. They just didn't associate with them. That's a much more balanced view....think about the example that Jesus set. Did you ever read of him running from anyone? He even talked with Satan!!! They need to get a grip!
Maybe you should yell that out the next time any of you get that behaviour. Just yell out loudly "Did Jesus ever run from anyone?" "What is wrong with you?" Let the embarrassment be on them!
On the other hand, my sister-in-law, who is not DF'd, but her husband is, gets the cold shoulder. They will actually speak to me and ignore her completely...what is that??? They run from her! It really hurts her feelings as she considered some of them her friends. I tell her not to sit back and take it...go up and make them talk to her...but she just can't. (Maybe they know I won't sit back and take it!) I do know so much garbage on so many of them, maybe they feel like they are hypocritical not talking to me. Go figure!