It is true that lately people in my cong. have become more judgemental of ones that are not D'fd or Da, but just not as active as they are suppose to be . I refer back to Panicattacks post.I heard that talk this summer too ,yet at our hall a talk was recently given and if you are not regular in field service( for no good reason) then you are sinning against the holy spirit ! That was the first time i had heard that one, and since I stopped going out a few months ago- felt like crap, that was directed to me .Also it has been expoused that if you miss meetings it is a sin.
We are constantly being warned that bad association can mean people in the hall not just worldly ones(I'm thinking me again) .So with such warm , fuzzy love surrounding me you can understand how I can be backing away, slowly fading .In my heart I want to run like hell to the nearest exit .But I'm trying to be careful for my family's sake .
Now that I miss alot of meetings and don't go out in F.S. I have noticed certain" friends" avoiding me in public, but still talking to me at the hall when I do go ,but it is usually with the forced smile and never anything more than "HI how are you".
I am getting paranoid about what I'm going to say when the Elder body wants to make a helpful visit !