The lunacy in the Climax book is important. For one, it is a contiuation of the drivel they had been teaching for most of the 20th century. Some here will remember that going through the Babylon, published in '63, book during the '70's. It teaches the same crap. But that religion has always claimed it had all the answers, so they have to have answers for that LSD trip called Revelation.
Of course it is ridiculous, and any outsider would see it for the self-centered, self-congratulations it is. But why is it important?
It is important because of the content of those conventions that are the prophesied trumpet blasts. Each of those conventions had a key message. Most (all?) of those key messages are replaced by new light. Those key messages were wrong. Those key messages were false prophecy.
Example: One of those conventions was the 'Millions Now Living Will Never Die' convention. That was back when they believed that the end was coming in 1925. Of course this teaching has been replaced by New Light.
The problem for the dutiful dubbie is that they have tied themselves to the old false propehcy by claiming it was fulfillment of a biblical prophecy. That is to say, they still claim that Joe Hoba fulfills biblical prophecy by delivering false prophecy. They cannot use the "New Light" claim to separate themselves from this one.
There is no way around that.
- Cliff