We have the Truth, We have the Truth, We have the Truth, We have the Truth!

by nicolaou 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    It's always fun (well for a geek like me anyway), to take a quote from a WT mag' and tweak it to show clearly the duplicitous nature of the writers. The first quote below has not been touched - compare it the one beneath.


    *** g90 1/22 pp. 9-10 Fraud in Science—A Greater Fraud ***

    Evolutionists today use the same Pharisaic approach: ‘Believe as we do,’ they say. ‘All competent scientists believe evolution. All intelligent people believe it. Only the uneducated and the ignorant don’t believe it.’ By such intimidation and mental bullying, masses of people are herded into the evolutionists’ camp. They know nothing of the weaknesses and inadequacies of evolutionary theory or its unsound speculations and hypothesized impossibilities—such as the origin of life from inanimate chemicals. So they are swept along by the repetitious mantras recited by evolution’s propagandizers. The theory becomes dogma, its preachers become arrogant, and dissenters reap disdainful abuse. The tactics work. They did in Jesus’ day; they do today.

    This four-word propaganda line, ‘Evolution is a fact,’ is little (little in content), is a simple sentence (easily said), and is repeated persistently (even 12 times in one short essay). It qualifies as effective brainwashing propaganda, and with repetition it reaches the status of a slogan—and slogans everywhere repeated are soon programmed into brains and tripped off tongues with little critical examination or skeptical dissection. Once a theory has been sloganized into community thinking, it no longer requires proof, and any who dissent are scorned. If such dissenters present rational refutation of the slogan’s validity, they are especially irritating and subjected to the only available response, namely, ridicule.


    g90 1/22 pp. 9-10 Fraud in Belief—A Greater Fraud ***

    Jehovah's Witnesses today use the same Pharisaic approach: ‘Believe as we do,’ they say. ‘All reasonable people believe in the truth. All intelligent people believe it. Only the uneducated and the ignorant don’t believe it.’ By such intimidation and mental bullying, masses of people are herded into the Watchower camp. They know nothing of the weaknesses and inadequacies of Watchtower doctrine or its unsound speculations and hypothesized impossibilities—such as the historically impossible dogma of 607 BCE. So they are swept along by the repetitious mantras recited by Elders and in print. The theory becomes dogma, its preachers become arrogant, and dissenters reap disdainful abuse. The tactics work. They did in Jesus’ day; they do today.

    This four-word propaganda line, ‘We have the Truth,’ is little (little in content), is a simple sentence (easily said), and is repeated persistently (even 12 times in one short WT article). It qualifies as effective brainwashing propaganda, and with repetition it reaches the status of a slogan—and slogans everywhere repeated are soon programmed into brains and tripped off tongues with little critical examination or skeptical dissection. Once a theory has been sloganized into community thinking, it no longer requires proof, and any who dissent are scorned. If such dissenters present rational refutation of the slogan’s validity, they are especially irritating and subjected to the only available response, namely, ridicule.

    'Nuff said.

  • weeble

    That's great!!
    Now if only they would publish that......

  • gumby
    If such dissenters present rational refutation of the slogan’s validity, they are especially irritating and subjected to the only available response, namely, ridicule.

    Of course with the witnesses it's more than ridicule, but rather you will be labeled as an apostate and shunned by all members.


  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    GREAT! This is just shows once again that they know what they are doing when they constantly say things over and over! IC

  • seattleniceguy

    The double standards in the Watchtower thought system are of mythical proportions, but amazingly, they seem to escape the notice of the masses. It was exactly this type of double standard that forced me to consciousness.

  • Scully


    If only they could ever become so brutally honest.

    I've done the tweaking thing myself. It's kind of fun, isn't it, Nic?

  • oldflame

    Only the unintelligent, hmmmmmm sounds like the society to me.

  • DannyHaszard

    Well done nicolaou

  • Scully
    We have the Truth, We have the Truth, We have the Truth, We have the Truth!

    They repeat that mantra so often, it makes me wonder who they're trying to convince... everyone else? or is it really themselves they are trying to convince?

  • heathen

    Yah obviously they have to convince themselves it's the truth , everybody else knows they been pulling the rabit out their a$$ for a long time . Jesus did say you must worship in spirit and truth so the fact of the matter is that they never had the truth , all they had was ever changing dogma that amounted to nothing but fraud . Either you speak for God or you don't , I don't think you can have it both ways .


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