What is Zen

by Enigma One 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    The dreamer sits in the eye of the storm... if he keeps his mind where his dream body resides, the eye, he finds no storm, but if he places his mind into the future or the past or the alternatives realities of what if and if only to the sides he finds the nightmares of storm.... when the dreamer becomes lucid, he realizes he is dreaming and that the eye, the storm and his own awareness are all one and there never was anything to fear or dread in any of them. -- the only reality he knows is the dream, yet this reality is perfect until he compares it to something it is not.

    if you can sit on your ass and breathe, you can do zen.

  • Smiles_Smiles

    OK .. now THIS is a thread I can appreciate.

    I am in the middle of reading a group of books by Osho: Tao, Buddha, Zen, Tantra. So far I have liked the Tao book the best. It put in words allot of the way I have experienced life since leaving the bOrg. I have to admit that I have not gotten all the way through the Zen book though.

    I am still not open to adopt any 'form' of religion or exclusive idealism. But what I like about this part of the Eastern way is it seems that most of it started as not a religion but was made into a way of worshiping as man got his hands all intertwined in it. So it is pretty easy for me to read and understand most of this (not mentally but soulfully) without feeling I have to adopt some formal form or label myself as a "something or other" (buddhist, taoist, so on or so forth). It works for me. And I just love it when I read something that puts words to what I have already been experiencing! Do you have any thoughts on Tantra?

    BTW, Enigma, I just have to say, your picture doesn't look like what you sound like in your post here. Amazing ...

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    LOL...what do my posts "sound" like vs. what I look like?

  • Legolas

    Maybe just body building talk...but I don't know!

    Is that what you meant Smiles?...LOL

  • Smiles_Smiles

    OK .. excuse my assumptions ...

    You 'look' like a very physical dweller but you sound like a true spiritual dweller. Does that make sense?

  • Legolas

    LOL..It does to me..That is somewhat what I meant!

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    My body is my temple. And my temple is my core of spirituality. So I try and take good care of my temple.

    Good genes, clean living, regular excercise. Does a body good.

  • Smiles_Smiles

    I haven't met too many who were both.

  • Smiles_Smiles

    hmmm ... ??? ...

    "body is my core of spirituality"

    do you mind elaborating, please? Just curious ...

  • Smiles_Smiles

    Lego, I'm glad I'm not the only one I make sense to.

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