While I agree with you that Russell apparently never really expected his own death until the very end, as seen by the fact that he never updated his Will after one of the principal witnesses, Mae Land, left his association just a year after its execution.
Yet, it is clear first, that your research is deficient as Rutherford was not only a Pilgrim, he also was vested with a lot of authority by Russell. Rutherford was appointed Chairman of many conventions and the annual business meeting. Rutherford was sent as a special representative to many foreign destinations and in the U.S. and canada. He served as stenographer on many occassions for Russell and also served as Russell's lawyer in the Brooklyn Eagle libel case as well as in other official capacities. And of course Rutherford was an active member of the Board of Directors, the Editiorial Committee when this was activated and wrote in defense of Russell, this latter work being referred to very favourably in the ZWT and spoke in defense of Russell.
In short he was well situated to become the Second President of the incorporated organization.
The following are just a few excerpts which demonstrate the above:
In a remarkable coincidence Russell prints Rutherford's first letter to him which tells of how Rutherford came to hear the Good News...
R1646 : page 127
GENTLEMEN:--Enclosed herewith please
find Exchange on
$6.00, for which please send me 'S
WATCH TOWER one year and copies of
By way of explanation for ordering this
amount of books, I desire to say that, about
two months ago, two young ladies came into
my office selling those books. I was very
busy when they presented their card; and,
seeing that they were ladies selling books,
I bought the three volumes, thinking that
by so doing I was helping them out. I have s
ince concluded that these ladies brought
to me "glad tidings of great joy." I took
the books home, and thought little of them,
until a few weeks ago, when I had some
spare time, I began reading the first volume,
and it was so very interesting that I could
not stop. The result is, my dear wife and
myself have read these books with the keenest
interest, and we consider it a God-send
and a great blessing that we have had the
opportunity of coming in contact with them.
They are indeed a "helping hand" to the
study of the Bible. The great truths revealed
in the study of this series have simply
reversed our earthly aspirations; and realizing
to some extent, at least, the great opportunity
for doing something for Christ,
we intend to take advantage of this opportunity
in distributing these books, first,
among our nearest relatives and friends,
and then among the poor who desire to read
them and are unable to purchase; and for
that reason we desire these extra copies.
As soon as these are exhausted, we will
order more, and try to do what we can in
this way, be it ever so little.
Yours, etc., J. F. RUTHERFORD.
ZWT April 1894
The following
speakers gave longer or shorter addresses, and
some of them several: Brothers W. M. Hersee, I. Hoskins,
R. E. Streeter, J. Harrison, W. ,
J. F. Rutherford, P. S. L. Johnson, F. W. Williamson,
O. L. Sullivan, G. Draper, J. H. Cole, L. W. Jones,
T. E. Barker, , J. Hutchinson, W. J. Mills, W.
E. Page, C. A. Dann, J. G. Kuehn, A. C. Wise, and the
Editor of this journal.
ZWT October 1907
This excerpt shows that Rutheford supported the infamous Vow.
"The vow is: 'Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed
be thy name. May thy rule come into my heart more and
more, and thy will be done in my mortal body. Relying on
the assistance of thy promised grace to help in every time of
need, through Jesus Christ our Lord, I register this vow.
Daily will I remember at the throne of heavenly grace the
general interests of the harvest work, and particularly the
share which I myself am privileged to enjoy in that work,
and the dear co-laborers at the Bible House, Allegheny. I
vow to still more carefully, if possible, scrutinize my thoughts
and words and doings, to the intent that I may be the better
enabled to serve these, and thy dear flock. I vow to thee
that I will be on the alert to resist everything akin to Spiritism
and Occultism, and that remembering that there are but
the two masters I shall resist these snares in all reasonable ways,
as being of the Adversary. I further vow that, with the exceptions
below, I will at all times and at all places, conduct
myself toward those of the opposite sex in private exactly as
I would do with them in public--in the presence of a congregation
R4192 : page 187
of the Lord's people, and so far as reasonably possible
I will avoid being in the same room with any female alone,
unless the door to the room stand wide open--wife, children,
mother and sisters excepted.'"
We have received favorable responses from the following:--
H. C. Rockwell, F. H. Robison, R. H. Hirsh, W.
H. Bundy, F. Draper, G. Draper, M. L. McPhail, E. W.
Brenneisen, J. F. Rutherford, Hayden Samson, J. A.
Parker, F. A. Hall, M. L. Herr, J. D. Wright, C. H.
Swingle, C. E. Fowler, O. L. Sullivan, John Harrison,
Smith Walker, Isaac Hoskins, W. E. Van Amburgh, H.
K. Blinn, J. A. Bohnet, A. E. Burgress, J. A. Bauerlein,
F. L. Scheerer, A. G. Wakefield, C. W. Hek, A. E. Williamson,
B. H. Barton.
We wish you all
WT June 1908
Next, as the President of the Bible and
Tract Society, we greeted all the dear friends in attendance
at the Convention, assuring them all of our Christian
love and good wishes and that we were pleased to
be in their midst and to receive their welcome and to
return to them our cordial greeting. We assured them
of the Society's endeavors at all times and under all
circumstances to look out for the interests of the Lord's
flock and to do everything in our power to aid the dear
sheep to a full appreciation of the length and breadth
and height and depth of the love of God. We then
introduced Brother J. F. Rutherford as the permanent
chairman of the Convention, which was opened with a
testimony meeting, at which many hearts unburdened
themselves, telling of their love for the Lord and the
Truth; how in Divine providence the Truth had first
come to their attention; how they had been growing in
grace and knowledge; how their love for the Lord and
for the brethren kept increasing; how they realized the
closing of the age and that the harvest would soon be
past and the summer of Divine favor soon ended, and
how they were striving by Divine grace "to make their
calling and their election sure."--2 Pet. 1:10.
WT September 1909
We preceded the excursion party and reached
Joseph Saturday morning, July 31. The Convention
already been under way two days with Brother
Rutherford as chairman. Brother S. D. Senor
opening address of welcome, which was responded
the chairman. Then followed a most interesting
praise and testimony meeting. The friends seemed
early in the Convention to reach a goodly degree
WT September 1909
this excerpt shows that the Rutherford's kept their residence in the East. I doubt they moved in the next five years.
This was our first visit to this city. We greatly enjoyed
it, meeting some new faces and some whom we
had met elsewhere previously. Brother and Sister Rutherford
entertained us--meeting us (with others) at the
R4416 : page 184
station and escorting us to their home, where after refreshments
we had a heart-to-heart talk with the roomfull
(about 20). Our talk bore on the general plan and
WT June 1909
Before leaving the platform, Brother Russell remarked
that Pilgrim Brother Rutherford was present
and would doubtless make an excellent Chairman for
the business meeting called for the election of the
Church's servants for 1909. He said that, unless some
objection were made, it would be considered that
Brother Rutherford was unanimously approved as
Chairman of the session. Silence gives consent, so
Brother Rutherford stepped to the platform, Brother
Russell stepping down and taking his seat with the
R4312 : page 20
A vote of thanks for the Pastor and Elders who
had served during the year was proposed, seconded
and passed unanimously. The object of the meeting
was stated by the Chairman, and a motion was declared
to be in order. Brother Dr. Spill at once arose
and proposed that Brother Russell be reelected Pastor
of the congregation for the year 1909. He urged that,
even though rarely present with the Ecclesia, his election
as Pastor would insure to the Church, possibly, a
WT January 1909
This letter from Rutherford and Russell's publishing it shows that Russell valued Rutherford's input on organizational matters...
You might be interested in the result of some observations
made concerning the relative development of members of
Bible classes that I have been privileged to visit. The degree
of progress seems to be largely influenced by the character
of meetings and the method of study adopted.
Some of the classes closely adhere to the Berean Studies,
as set forth in THE WATCH TOWER. Other meetings are devoted
to DAWN Studies, each member of the class taking part
therein; and at least one meeting per week to prayer, praise
and testimonies, with an occasional discourse. All such appear
to be making progress in the development of knowledge
and the graces of the Spirit.
Other classes do not have Berean studies; do not use the
DAWNS at the class meetings, seldom have a prayer, praise
and testimony meeting, but instead largely depend upon the
leader of the class, who prepares a lesson on some chapter in
the Bible and at the meeting states his conclusions, and then
calls upon the class for expressions of opinion. Such classes,
it is quite evident, make little progress.
Since all who have come to a knowledge of "present
truth" concerning God's Plan, obtained it by the use of the
six volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES and other WATCH
TOWER publications, it would appear to be a serious mistake,
in the class studies, to ignore these God-given helps. No member
of the class can grow without an individual exercise of
his faculties, and where the leader is depended upon to prepare
a lesson and recite it at the meeting of the class, the
benefit resulting to the class is reduced to the minimum.
The Society now publishes, in pamphlet form, the Berean
questions on TABERNACLE SHADOWS and on Vol. V., STUDIES
IN THE SCRIPTURES, besides the current Berean questions on
Vol. VI. appearing in THE TOWER. No better material can
be had for three meetings each week. The majority of the
friends are so situated that they can have four meetings per
week. Some of the classes thus situated, and which have not
used the Berean studies from their inception, are now having
for one meeting the Berean questions on TABERNACLE
SHADOWS, for another, Berean questions on Vol. V., and for
another, the current Berean study on Vol. VI. In this manner
the new members, as well as others of the class, get the
benefit of all back lessons, at the same time keeping abreast
with THE TOWER lessons. The fourth meeting of the week
is devoted to praise, prayer and testimonies recounting the
experiences and blessings of the week. The result shows it
would be profitable for others to pursue a similar course.
If you are in harmony with the thoughts herein expressed,
you may be pleased to find some way of calling the attention
of the friends thereto.
In the love and service of our King,
R5337 : page 319
Brother and Sister Rutherford have just left for Zurich.
The eight public meetings were quite a success:
WT 1915
R5189 : page 62
MY SUIT against The Eagle for slanderous
defamation of reputation has been decided
in its favor. A Jury of twelve men have
decided that The Eagle was justified in
making its vicious onslaughts upon me, notwithstanding
the Judge's Charge that, according
to the law, the cartoon, at least, was
a slanderous, vicious libel in fact. I am urged
by my attorneys and petitioned by friends
to take the case to the Court of Appeals.
I quite agree with Justice Kelby, who said, "The case
was presented fairly and squarely to the Jury." The rulings
of His Honor seem to me equitable. I very highly
appreciate the ability and energy of my attorneys, Mr.
Sparks and Mr. Rutherford. I have no complaint, nor
murmuring against the Divine providences which permitted
what I consider to be a very unjust verdict. In appealing
our Case to the Court we have followed the example
of the Master, who inquired why He was smitten
contrary to Law. (John 18:23.) Likewise St. Paul appealed
or such justice as the Law provided. (Acts 25:10.)
So I have done; and I, like them, have been refused the
to the law, the cartoon, at least, was
a slanderous, vicious libel in fact. I am urged
by my attorneys and petitioned by friends
to take the case to the Court of Appeals.
I quite agree with Justice Kelby, who said, "The case
was presented fairly and squarely to the Jury." The rulings
of His Honor seem to me equitable. I very highly
appreciate the ability and energy of my attorneys, Mr.
Sparks and Mr. Rutherford. I have no complaint, nor
murmuring against the Divine providences which permitted
what I consider to be a very unjust verdict. In appealing
our Case to the Court we have followed the example
of the Master, who inquired why He was smitten
contrary to Law. (John 18:23.) Likewise St. Paul appealed
for such justice as the Law provided. (Acts 25:10.)
So I have done; and I, like them, have been refused the
which consisted of Brother Driscoll, representative
of the Press Association; Brother L. W. Jones, who
served us as stenographer on the Atlantic, and Brother
Rutherford, who served as stenographer on the Mediterranean,
and who will visit the friends in Denmark,
Sweden and Norway while we are in Great Britain
WT June 1910
The New England and Middle Atlantic States Railroads
have joined in a flat rate of 2c a mile in each direction, going
and returning via same route. Tickets will be on sale July
23-25 (in New England 24-26), with final return limit August
3. Confer with your ticket agent some days in advance that
he may secure the necessary ticket-forms acct. I.B.S.A.
The following Pilgrim Brethren are on the Convention
Program for public addresses; namely, R. H. Barber, E. W.
Brenneisen, J. A. Gillespie, J. F. Rutherford, H. C. Rockwell,
C. T. Russell, Menta Sturgeon, W. J. Thorn, R. G. Jolly, R. J.
Other Brethren may be heard also in symposiums.
One Part of the "Photo-Drama of Creation" is to be
shown each night of the Convention.
Board and lodging information is obtainable from the
I.B.S.A. Class Secretary, H. E. Spear, 48 Scott Street, Springfield,
WT July 1915
We have pleasure in sending a summarized account
of the work of the British Branch for the year 1914. As
you will see by the figures subjoined, there is a good
work to report. The sales of…Brother Rutherford's extended
tour resulted in the selling of over 10,500 volumes of
STUDIES, and the follow-up work after the PHOTO-DRAMA
is also of very great help. It was believed that sets of
STUDIES could not be sold here, but now this has become
WT January 1915
Finally this last excerpt definitely proves that Rutherford was in good stead with Russell and had responsibility as late as one month before his death....
R5976 : page 318
THE Los Angeles Convention of the I.B.S.A.
opened September 2d and closed September
10th. The Chairman of the Convention,
Brother Rutherford, declared that, without any
exception, it was the finest and most spiritual
Convention he had ever attended, and many
others voiced the same sentiment. One Sister …
…An interesting event outside the Convention Program was
an address by Brother Russell in the Park Avenue Christian
Church, Los Angeles. The Minister of the Congregation,
Brother Anderson, has within the past few months come in
contact with Present Truth, and has been feasting upon it.
He has also been preaching it to the Congregation, and has
had various of the brethren lead Berean Studies and give
Addresses. His invitation to Brother Russell to take supper
at his home and afterwards to address the Congregation was
accepted with appreciation. The attendance crowded the
edifice, about 500 being present. The attention was excellent.
Evidently a considerable number of the Congregation were
deeply impressed with the Divine Plan of the Ages, as were
also visitors from the neighborhood. Brother and Sister
Anderson seem to be very thoroughly committed to following
WT October 1916
-Eduardo Leaton Jr., Esq.