Birthday celebrations and customs - Are they for Christians?

by AlmostAtheist 173 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    Nothing like a troll to keep a thread running. {Congratulations Little Toe for a balanced and rational response]

    INMHO, the real underlying reason for the dubs not celebrating birthdays is not so much the claimed pagan origins but simply that they don't want to be bothered with it. Why have to keep buying cards and gifts when you can pompously stay out of it? , after all, it is all "Satan's world" and they don't want to follow their customs . It also gives them another chance to show that they are different, and they won't be drawn into bad association at birthday parties

    Perhaps I John 2.15 is more relevant to the true reason than Herod's Birthday

  • sweetscholar

    hi. I just saw your bigger posting. to address the "insults" thing you say I did. I can't believe that you would say that that was how I generally have been on this thread. that one posting was more an exception. if you look at previous postings of mine, I was NOT like that. and don't forget: Stephen and Elijah called apostates and pagans names, after having enough. so there's a balance. I still would not let Little Man die on the street if I saw him hurt. although I doubt he'd do the same for me. but don't forget how generally cordial and cool I've been (though pointed) in my many other postings on this thread.

    now Jezebel had to be seen from far up, and obviously through logical inference, COME ON ALMOST !!!!, it had to be a big load of the stuff on her eyes. Jehu it's implied PLUS OTHERS FROM THE GROUND had to see her. so this "beautiful" is a general thing of what she was trying to do, with some results obviously. I dare say that a slut with heavy overdone makeup can look sexy and desirable and even "beauitful". even if it's overdone. it's not as black and white as you're making it, as far as 'well if she was made "beautiful" then it could not have been overdone'. no there are degrees. one thing is irrefutable is that she was to be seen FROM HER HIGH UP WINDOW. it would make no sense for her to put black eye paint on her eyes, with no intention of it being noticed or seeable. from high up, it would have to be more than just a mear smidgen.

    those links are too kooky.

    and your point is taken about out of print hard to find books, but that does not make them less documented. and let's not forget Protestants in general WANT to celebrate their birthdays. so how likely is it that many people or historians who even KNOW of the true origins and roots of all the trappings of birthday celebrations want to announce it so much in many reference works nowawdays? of course there's been an element of cover-up with that. but even with some cover-up in reference works here and there, the solid proof and truth of that matter and custom has still come out. you won't tell me that candles and wish-making and ETCETERA did not come from pagan Greece and Babylon, with superstitious guardian demons all over the place?

    Wold Book Encyclopedia, you obviously got the wrong edition. we'll have to find out the exact year of that one. many come out. and again, it's not something that people who put those works together want to necessarily always publicize since you KNOW that people in general will celebrate their own birthdays, and how would that look? that the reference works they're putting together says "birthday celebrations were pagan and not Christian". but even so, the truth came out anyway. it has a way of coming out.

    eye paint is personal and not necessarily 'every day'. but BD celebrations like clockwork (yes) are done chronically and annoyingly and even against a JW's wishes at work. surprise BD parties at work office for JWs, by co-workers, against the wishes of the JW. crap like that has happened. people have this thing about "oh it's his birthday, let's wish him happy whatever" all the time. people have this retarded hang-up FOR birthday parties. to the point of nausea even. yeah, the Devil has got the world at large pretty good, with vain pagan stumbling blocks.

    anyway, Almost, we're going around in circles a wee bit now. your "eye paint" thing is better than "eating fruit" or "bathing" but not really that strong or valid ultimately.

    you don't seem to understand either that Paul's words "adorn yourselves" DOES have to do with it !!!!!! cuz "adorn" covers all that stuff. not juts necklaces or robes. but anything worn by a woman.

    and when I said that servants of Jehovah put make up on in general, and Job's daughter's name this, and archeological evidence uncovered the other, you say "they did something pagan". that's dogmatic of you, cuz you're going into the whole thing still convinced that it was really rooted in paganism, in the same exact or very similar way as BD celebrations customs. which it aint. despite those "evil eye" websites. stretch. "evil eye" with maybe eye paint ADOPTED into that is not quite the same.

    it's too ambiguous and over-reaching and attempting to connect the dots with that.

    the point too again is that if archeological evidence and Biblical evidence shows that God's people in Bible times used skin makeup then it's ok

    BUT, conversely, if historical and Biblical evidence shows that God's people in Bible times never celebrated their birthdays formally (and with the principles against pagan corruption and customs), THEN IT'S NOT OK.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Ok - may I enter the fray?

    Let's reverse the imperatives here, shall we?

    Instead of proving that the Watchtower is right because others celebrate Christmas or Birthdays - why not prove that the Watchtower is right based on what they teach?

    I have posed this question to other Wt apologists here - and typically, as you have done with many others here to wit, SS, the questions get entirely ignored, or sidestepped.

    I have just one question - it is simple - and if you can prove this single teaching to be correct - you can solve the entire dilemma. Some might even be willing to go back to the KH with you - Ready?

    Please provide proof - not assertion - that the Watchtower organization was ever selected by God or Christ to be the sole and exclusive mouthpiece of God on earth. The WTBTS asserts this happened in 1919. Can you prove it?

    That should be easy. Certainly God would not make it hard to prove your absolute fundamental basis for trusting this organization, would he?

  • AlmostAtheist
    I have just one question - it is simple - and if you can prove this single teaching to be correct - you can solve the entire dilemma. Some might even be willing to go back to the KH with you - Ready?
    Please provide proof - not assertion - that the Watchtower organization was ever selected by God or Christ to be the sole and exclusive mouthpiece of God on earth. The WTBTS asserts this happened in 1919. Can you prove it?

    Actually, Jeff, if you don't mind, could you start a new thread on this topic? It's hard enough reigning this conversation in on one topic, it will approach impossible if it becomes a free-for-all of doctrinal discussion.

    Please don't take offense, but I can feel our two lanes necking down to one. One of us is going to yield or crash, but only if we stay on point.



  • sweetscholar

    this thread is about the historical and Biblical and archeological data discouraging birthday celebrations for people CLAIMING or trying to be Biblical Christians and pure and holy and separated and sanctified.

    not "is the WT God's Moutpiece today"

    I'm not even specifically directly talking about the Watchtower, per se. but just the point of is Birthday celebrations formalized, with all its pagan trappings, baggage, and background, recommended for the pure untainted Bible-believing Christian. not whether the Watchtower is right in general about anything.

    cuz I could theoretically have nothing to do with WT and still assert what I'm asserting based on history, encyclopedias, uncovered archeology, Biblical principles and data.

    so your sorry rude arrogant retarded posting about another topic altogether, about the Watchtower's general validity, is what's really "side-stepping".

    but the Devil is in a habit of accusing others of what he himself is guilty of. duhh.

    go sidestep somewhere else, or create another thread about the Biblical Validity or INvalidity of the JW publishing arm if you want.

    but try addressing the actual specific subject of this specific thread link posting site. well actually, I've said pretty much everything that needs to be said on this subject, from history, linguistics, archeology, Bible principles and Bible references.

    anything beyond this is a waste of time now.

    and as far as "BluesBrother"?? lol. if he thinks Little Brain is "rational" in his response??? birds of a feather. from England no less. how are the drunken brawls on the streets there? (no offense to the faithful JW Christian brothers that are there, but you know that worldly Brits have big problems)

    and to Almost, yes there is SOME correlation with point 5, not with point 4, cuz you overblow or misapply "pagan origins", and vanity "no value" but you dismiss unreasonably the value and benefits of eye makeup. they are there. ask any woman who has wrinkles or bags I told you.

    nuff said. ciao.

    we've exhausted this topic.

    I've written tons. addressing all the arguments, the valid ones, the semi-valid ones, and even the totally retarded invalid ones.

    let's move on.

    and again, Jeffy Weffy. go sidestep somewhere else. cuz that's what YOU just did. I was addressing each point that came to me on this thread. duhh. try doing the same

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    You are correct Dave. I will do that. Pardon.


    As for Sweetscholar - I guess you put me in my place. I attempted politeness - albeit off topic. I think your insults were not needed. I shall retire so that you may Christianize those who wish to barter your language and thinking.

  • AlmostAtheist
    You are correct Dave. I will do that. Pardon.

    No problem, thanks Dude.

    Hey SS,

    now Jezebel had to be seen from far up, and obviously through logical inference, COME ON ALMOST !!!!, it had to be a big load of the stuff on her eyes.

    So you're saying that because Jehu could see her, that proves she wore too much makeup? If I am able to see a woman leaning out of a 3rd floor window, would it be reasonable for me to assume that she has too much makeup on, or otherwise I wouldn't see her?

    Can you cite a scripture that indicates Jehu noticed her makeup? He saw HER, but there is no indication that anyone noticed her makeup, hair, manner of dress. There was no indication that anything was out of the ordinary. All I'm asking for is a scripture. If you don't have one, and you insist that it's true anyway, wouldn't you be guilty of adding to God's Word? If he wanted it stated that her makeup was excessive, it would have been a simple thing to mention it.

    those links are too kooky.

    Interesting. When an obscure, out of print book says something about birthdays, you accept it without question. But when an obscure web site says something about makeup, you reject it out of hand. What's your basis for doing either one?

    One of the links I listed was from the Encyclopedia Brittanica. Are you describing that work as "kooky"?

    and your point is taken about out of print hard to find books, but that does not make them less documented.

    Hmmm... So if I write something down, it's documented? Don't we need to examine these works to see if the quotes are taken in context, whether the basis for making them was sound, where the author got the information...? Until we have that, I can't agree that it's "documented". I would be more inclined to call it "suggested". After all, if it's that easy, all I have to do is write whatever I want, publish it, then destroy all the copies. Surely anything this important to God has more substantiation than unverifiable quotes?

    so how likely is it that many people or historians who even KNOW of the true origins and roots of all the trappings of birthday celebrations want to announce it so much in many reference works nowawdays? of course there's been an element of cover-up with that.

    As you pointed out, people in general couldn't care less if birthdays or makeup or number 2 pencils have pagan origins. So why would anyone refrain from revealing it? I seriously doubt any coverup would be involved, simply because no one would care. Besides, we're talking about encyclopedias, dictionarys, "origins" sites -- it's impossible to think they might all collude to withhold the "true history" of anything.

    you won't tell me that candles and wish-making and ETCETERA did not come from pagan Greece and Babylon, with superstitious guardian demons all over the place?

    Actually, if I could find a reputable source that speaks to the subject either way, I would be happy to tell it to you. As I said, my research didn't yield much. Have you found anything to support or refute either of our positions? (First hand verification, I mean, not quotes)

    anyway, Almost, we're going around in circles a wee bit now. your "eye paint" thing is better than "eating fruit" or "bathing" but not really that strong or valid ultimately.

    We go around in circles because I can't see where you are answering my questions. I have listed them several times, marked them in red, bolded them. Without questions and answers, a discussion can't move forward. Maybe you have answered them and I just missed it. Of course, that's why I asked you to specify which point (1-5) you were addressing.

    I sense we're getting into an uncomfortable position for you, where you recognize the Watchtower's position is not as strong as you believed. There's nothing wrong with that. Don't let it stop you from continuing what has largely been an educational discussion.

    you don't seem to understand either that Paul's words "adorn yourselves" DOES have to do with it !!!!!! cuz "adorn" covers all that stuff. not juts necklaces or robes. but anything worn by a woman.

    So if a woman wore a cross as adornment, that would be covered by Paul's words? If not, why not? Since Paul didn't directly address makeup, and makeup can be shown to have pagan origins, why would you conclude that a cross would be wrong, but makeup would be covered by a "blanket amnesty" of sorts?

    and when I said that servants of Jehovah put make up on in general, and Job's daughter's name this, and archeological evidence uncovered the other, you say "they did something pagan". that's dogmatic of you, cuz you're going into the whole thing still convinced that it was really rooted in paganism, in the same exact or very similar way as BD celebrations customs. which it aint. despite those "evil eye" websites. stretch. "evil eye" with maybe eye paint ADOPTED into that is not quite the same. the point too again is that if archeological evidence and Biblical evidence shows that God's people in Bible times used skin makeup then it's ok

    The reason I still feel eye makeup has equal footing with birthdays on the pagan thing is because there is about equal evidence for both. I can't find anything on birthdays in any reputable reference work, and only a less-than-definitive statement on makeup. Among various unauthoritative web sites, I can find pagan origins for both birthdays and makeup.

    Do you feel that birthdays are MORE pagan than makeup? If so, what amount of paganism is the cutoff point? How do you know what God will accept and what he will hate? When looking at birthdays, makeup, and windchimes, how do you know to reject the first and allow the rest?

    Here's another question that it would be beneficial for you to answer: If we could establish to both our satisfactions that eye makeup DOES have pagan origins -- just hypothetically -- and you feel that the Bible and archaeology shows that God's servants did use eye makeup, then would you accept that as partial evidence that God does not condemn everything that originated in false worship?

    and to Almost, yes there is SOME correlation with point 5, not with point 4, cuz you overblow or misapply "pagan origins", and vanity "no value" but you dismiss unreasonably the value and benefits of eye makeup. they are there. ask any woman who has wrinkles or bags I told you.

    What about points 1-3? If you see correlation between makeup and birthdays in 4 out of 5 ways, would your "when it doubt, leave it out" rule tell you to reject makeup, too? If not, why not?

    As for the value of makeup, I don't say it doesn't have value. I say that birthdays have value, too. So by the definition of vain, birthdays would not be "vain". (Unless you first assert that they are upsetting to God, which would mean you would need to prove that WITHOUT accusing them of being vain. [avoiding circularity]) If you disagree that birthdays have value, please explain. I realize they take time, they cost money, they are disruptive to normal schedules. The same is true of makeup -- time to apply, cost -- so having costs does not equate to not having value.

    I've written tons. addressing all the arguments, the valid ones, the semi-valid ones, and even the totally retarded invalid ones.

    You have not addressed a variety of valid arguments. I raise questions in every post that you do not address. So in addition to reading all of your information, I have to comb back through my own to see what still hasn't been discussed. It would really aid this discussion if you make an effort to answer the questions.

    JW's have a terrible reputation in this regard. Many will "cut and run", making a series of opinionated posts, then never come back to the thread to defend their positions. So far you have hung in there. Don't let yourself fall into this "cut and run" group. See it through.

    If I have failed to address a point you've made, please let me know and I will. I apologize in advance for any oversight.


  • Super_Becka
    and again, Jeffy Weffy, go sidestep somewhere else, cuz that's what YOU just did, I was addressing each point that came to me on this thread, try doing the same

    OK, time out. Since when did condescending speech become an acceptable means of discussion?? Ya know, SS, you have no business talking down to someone here just because you don't agree with them, and say what you like, that's exactly what you're doing. I have yet to see you answer a specific question on here, you just seem to like arguing semantics without actually answering the question. I seem to recall posting a question not so long ago that I didn't see a nice, straight answer for, you just like to argue your way around it. If you'd just simply answer the simple questions posed here rather than diving into a long and very heated discussion, maybe we'd leave you alone with your beliefs, but you keep dodging the questions. Is it because you can't answer them because you just don't know the answers or that you know the answers but don't really want to admit it because they contradict what you're supposed to believe??

    We don't care what you believe, we just want some answers. Believe what you want - if you're secure in your faith, you should be able to clearly answer us without feeling threatened in any way, shape or form. The only reason I could see for your not wanting to answer these questions would be that you're afraid of the answers and what they mean for your faith, but if you're as firm in your faith as you appear to be, then you should be perfectly comfortable with your beliefs, no matter what, even if these inquiries seem to call your faith into question.

    And in the meantime, please, grow up and act like a mature adult, we'd all appreciate that. Time to stop with the name-calling and all of that and act like a civilized person, OK?? You're clearly very intelligent, start acting like it.

    -Becka :)

  • sweetscholar

    a bit inconsistent I see. Becka, didn't mean to offend you. but I should not have to watch my every syllable all the time either. don't be so thin-skinned. did you see how rude and "condescending" and non-sensical and irrelevent to the thread and truly "side-stepping" Jeff was??

    but anyway, why were you "dying laughing" the other time? when I told that maniac Little Schmo off? (boy did that freak have that coming. but even so I apologized if I went off too far. though he is an apostate irrational unreasonable cockeyed lizard.)

    I'm done with this thread pretty much. just about all that can be covered on this subject has been. If Jeffy wants to discuss the validity of the Watchtower he can do it on another forum thingy.

    he accused me of "side-stepping" when in this whole damned THREAD I never did !!!! I addressed just about everything (maybe not to everyone's liking necessarily) that was to the subject. valid points, semi-valid, and totally invalid remarks I addressed. never "side-stepped" anything. but Jeff the Apostate is the one who side-stepped this topic into WT validity matters. which is not really relevant to the historical background and baggage and Biblical references and principles concerning birthday celebrations and all the junk that goes with them.

  • sweetscholar

    what I said was why would Jezebel apply ANY makeup on her face if it was not gonna be seen?????? it was not that Jehu and others down below was able to see HER, but had to be able to see HER MAKEUP, cuz otherwise what would have been thre freakin point of Jezebel appying anything on herself, AND TAKING THE TIME AND EFFORT TO DO THAT, if it was gonna be from such a high up distanc and not to be seen? UNLESS, here is the point, it was a lot of the stuff that was applied on her face by her ????????

    that's what I meant by "logical inference". the passage does not have to say in those spelled out words "she put excessive amounts of eye paint" in order for someone to DEDUCE from OTHER things in the text and context and account and story that that's very likely if not definite what had to have happened !!!!

    I said (and I'll repeat it again) that Jehu and others had to see, not just her herself, but her EYE PAINT too, if Jezebel applied onto herself, and knew that she was to be seen from that far a distance. HOW ELSE COUUUUUUULLLLDDD IT BE SEEN THEN if it was not gonna be somewhat excessive?

    also, do you read anywhere that Jezebel was known for being balanced or moderate or reasonable??? (just a little side point that helps the case here.)

    but again, if they could only see her makeup from that far a distance, how likely is is that the stuff on her face could even be noticed if it was applied lightly and moderately??

    otherwise, AGAIN, what would have been even the point of her applying onto herself if she knew that it was very unlikely it would be seen from such a distance?? that would have made no real sense. unless a hefty amount was put on her eyes and face and whatever. then it's more likely to be seen from that distance.



    ok? Almost. I like you, but you're driving me nuts now. lol

    just get your butt back in that congregation and share your wisdom and knowledge in a nice way, and go back to the Hope set before us, Christ's Blood and His Kingdom.

    Atheism is gloomy (even gloomier than Armageddon !!) and dismal. don't go to that. really.

    and no, to answer your other question. you can't be an elder or bishop or deacon or servant or pioneer if you're known for blowing out pagan candles in self-honoring pagan festive junkish birthday celebrations. as well you should not be. not a good example.

    when I said it's not the same as murder or rape or fraud or stealing that does not mean it's as good as praying, preaching, visiting the sick, or looking after orphans, or studying and practicing humility and kindness and love and patience from the Word of God. Biblical principles ARE being violated when birthday celebrations with their pagan junk are being observed. (Psalm 106; Jeremiah 10; Ezekiel 22; 1,2 Corinthians, etc)

    and your constant harping on "eye paint" is a bit off the topic anyway. cuz even if you're right about "eye paint" being really demonic (which it really is not), that does not mean that birthday celebrations all of a sudden are not demonic.

    your argument about "consistency" is well taken, but it falls flat if your "points" about "eye paint" begin to fall apart, given the real differences between "eye paint" as makeup and "adornment" in general, and birthday celebrations customs and crap.

    they aint the same, Jack. though the comparison is better than the bonehead comparison of "pagans ate fruit too". but not the same anyway.


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