A woman!!!!!!!!

by Gill 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gill

    I was speaking to my mother and was informed by her that in their congregation, in the Leicester area, a woman does all the accounting and paperwork now. This is a congregation with 6 Elders and 7 MSs.

    Is this normal, that a woman has to do the secretarial work? What's the point of having a congregation secretary then?

  • mrsjones5

    A secretary can be a man or a woman.

  • liquidsky
    A secretary can be a man or a woman.

    True. But not in a JW congregation. At least I've never heard of a woman being the congregation secretary. Those responsibilties always went to the ministerial servents or elders.

  • Gill

    This congregation has an elder in the postition of Secretary, however....he's obviously not doing anything secretarial because she is doing all the paper work.

    My problem is this....he gets the glory....she does the work....something wrong there I believe.

    But what's ever right in JW land?

  • mrsjones5

    sounds like the woman is in the classic jw woman mode of doormat

  • Sassy

    I've heard cases where a wife did some things.. but generally they didn't make it real well known..

  • tijkmo

    in my old congregation the secretary was numerically dyslexic...this was a real problem for the pioneers

    the congregation/bethel arrangement to have the jobs filled by unqualified personel has scriptural precedent...after picking the apostles jesus gave the money box to judas instead of to matthew the accountant...after praying about it aswell...and look where that led

  • geevee

    Hi, this sounds unusual in Dub speak. It doesn't say much for the abilities of any of the elders or ms's. There are occasions where a sister might do some of those duties, but only if there was a shortage of "man" power, or if there happened to be no one, not even a baptized male who couldn't do it.
    Hope she covers her head!!!!! ;-))

  • Aude_Sapere

    Congregation secretary handles confidential documents and has access to much other confidential material. It is surprising to me that they allow someone other than a 'spirit-appointed' man handle this area of service.


  • Sassy

    well I am sure they are not "SUPPOSED" to be handling it..

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