As a JW did you ever have a personal relationship with God?

by Evanescence 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FlyingHighNow

    No, I did not. Jehovah was taught to me to be a big ball of energy with no human like features. He seemed more of a force, an angry force that was nearly impossible to please. How can you have a relationship with something or someone so impersonal? Especially someone who has vowed to destroy you at any whim.

    I could always relate to Jesus as a real person, even as a child in the Episcopal Church. The god I was taught to worship was a loving, kindly and almost 100 % giving soul. He was a like a grandfather to me. JW's came and took him away and replaced him with HItler.

  • Eyebrow2

    I believed I did, yes. I prayed every night before I went to sleep as a child, and much more right before and after I got baptised. I had severl long prayers to Jehovah at night, especially during troubled times.

    However, now I don't believe there was any relationship, because I am agnostic now. However, praying did help me in some ways. I think talking about your problems...even later when you find out there might not being anyone listening, can help.

    I don't pray any more...but I find writing thoughts down and them tearing up the pages if it is too personal has the same effect praying used to for me.

  • marked man
    marked man

    I am one who has been raised as a JW, and I can actually say NO I have not. ITs always been about what they SAY the Bible says. Never once was I able to look at it for myself, until finally leaving JW.

  • daniel-p

    "daniel you are looking for Jehovah to talk to you? You need to fall of a cliff to believe in gravity? You need to HEAR the wind to know that it is blowing?"

    I'm not doubting the existence of God - just doubting that I really know who he is and what I've been told about him is true. Thanks for using the old wind analogy. I've just been in the "truth" for lets see here... all my life, and never heard that one before. [/sarcasm]

    My argument still stands. If God expects me to have faith like Abraham, than He should treat me the same way he did with him. It just seems a little odd, and convenient, that there are no real, personal relationships with God, there are no miracles anymore, but just a book of stories. God more often resembles a construct of the Unknown inside our brains. I'm not saying God does not exist, but that most people in the world, including me, are greatly confused about WHO he is, and WHAT the hell is going on. The end result is this: faith is ALWAYS blind faith. They don't call it a "leap" for nothing.

    And if we all have - or should have - our own relationship with Jehovah, wouldn't we have our own conscience? and be interpreting the Bible for ourselves? - but no, there is only one interpretation - the WTS's, but it still comes down to the fact that we ALL believe in what we want to. It comes down to what we gloss over and what we take to heart. Like you, Defd, for some reason you choose not to obey the FDS council on acossiating with apostates. He who is faithful in what is least is faithful in much, right? Do you really feel like you know Jehovah, or is it a construct of all the Unknown forces in the universe encapsulated in religious fervor? You don't have to reply, I know what you'll say.

    You see, at one time in my life I had a near-death experience. No, I didn't see any lights of glorious hallways, or anything like that. It was just all going black - but what survivied was this wonderful comforting feeling - which I thought was Jehovah helping me. However, I had no blood in me (of course no transfusion), and when you have no blood, your brain shuts down a lot of functions like physical pain, etc. It feels like your'e on a heavy painkiller - there is no pain and little emotion. So when I think Jehovah is there for me, there is always some other thing that can explain it. I would rather believe Jehovah was there and making me feel those things, but I still can't get beyond the fact that those are just the inevitable results when your body is losing too much blood.

    Its a great irony that coming close to death is what messed up my relationship with God, not the other way around.

  • confused_101

    No I don't believe that I had a relationship with God. It was just something that I HAD to do. I had to keep my family happy, and then my spouse. No where was it something that I really truly believed in, it was like going to school. You had to sit there and stay awake, you had to make good grades, you didn’t talk back, you didn’t really have thoughts of your own.

    Sure I prayed, I don’t feel that my prayers were answered. How could he hear me over all the other people that were praying? How can you really have a relationship with someone that you fear? I think that I was always afraid of what other people were going to think and what they would say. I didn’t want to be the person that everyone was gossiping about in their little groups after the meetings. I wanted to please everyone, no thought for what I wanted or how I felt. Then I just said to hell with it all and I am now on the road of self discovery, after I truly know me then perhaps I will be able to figure out the rest of life.

  • Mysterious

    I certainly didn't. I used to say the most meaningless, ritualistic, junk prayers you can imagine. Getting me to read the bible was like pulling teeth, certainly not in a context of free time in any case. And ultimately thoughts of god certainly didnt enter into my day to day decision making.

    Although I cant really says I have a better personal relationship with God now, being an atheist and all.

  • MerryMagdalene
    As a JW did you ever have a personal relationship with God?

    Yes. And that is what eventually led me away from the WTS on a marvelous mixed-up pilgrimage, through many spiritual philosophies and practices, to where I am now

    Daystar...I have had similar experiences. How does that quote go? If the doors of perception could be cleansed, everything would appear as it is--infinite. ?


  • Narkissos
    As a JW did you ever have a personal relationship with God?

    Yes. And that is what eventually led me away from the WTS on a marvelous mixed-up pilgrimage, through many spiritual philosophies and practices, to where I am now.

    Very well put. I can relate to that.

    Were it not for the continuity you express it would have been much harder, if not impossible for me to leave the WT inasmuch as it was my entire world. To use a slightly different metaphor, the "voice" which led me outside did not call me from outside. It was my G/god -- not something else.

  • MerryMagdalene
    Were it not for the continuity you express it would have been much harder, if not impossible for me to leave the WT inasmuch as it was my entire world.

    Continuity! Yes, that's what I was trying to express! Same with me, in needing that to leave.

    When I shared my experience of such in brief with my JW mom yesterday, she seemed surprised and didn't quite know what to say. But being my loving, encouraging mom, she finally said, somewhat hesitantly, "Well, it sounds like you're on the right track." I love her so much! If only she knew...


  • skyman

    Merry how is your mom I have not seen her for quit some time.

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