This is a hard question given the precedent of the last decade or so.
Whilst they have maintained a stance of most of the old doctrines, e.g. 1914, the UN beast that will destroy Babylon the Great, the new Daniel book, etc. there has been little or no new light that has shifted them significantly. Yes, there was the generation change in 1995 but to be brutally honest most JWs would struggle to explain clearly what 'this generation' is.
The biggest problem is they have no theologians/theological direction and it easy is to work out why this is. Just think of what happened with Ray Franz. The more I have found out about Ray the more I realise that he wasn't a raging apostate but could have been a force for moderate change.
No GB member is going to in initiate major change; the whole system is such that you become a MS by towing the company line, you become an elder, CO, DO, Branch Committee member, GB member by doing exactly the same. All of us know that - we were taught never to do things other than the Society's way and to never ever to question the Society.
My guess is that over the next 5 years or so we will see a continuing of the major decline already seen in the developed world and even limited growth in the developing world. After that, they will carry on in some form as a very minor, slightly dotty, religious sect, much like the Plymouth Bretheren.