I went on a bus trip in approximately 1982. I cried much of the evening in the hotel room. Of course my mother told me to "get in touch with myself" and made me read the scriptures about being commanded to be joyful. I remember tears falling on the pages of the Bible while I was sobbing. The JW kids were miserably mean to me as usual, and I was of course told it was all my fault.
I was also totally freaked out by Bethel. We were told we had to apply to go there once we finished high school and I was hoping Armageddon would come before that so I wouldn't have to. Thankfully I took my mother's advice to "get in touch with myself"!
Brother Elder-In-Charge asked me to announce and pass the hat on my bus.Quotes! What a disturbing story! Did the woman die while on the bus? Also, it is surprising a hat was passed. Why, isn't that a bit like Christendom? They should have left the hat at the back of the bus and let everyone go put in whatever they wanted, just like they do in the KH. I'm sure that $75 went really far towards the burial expenses. I'm also sure the family must have been grateful the trip was not cancelled just because of a measly death. (giant eye roll)