Anewme, here in my area there is a place called, "Michelle's Place," and through them, a woman can find treatment even though she has no medical insurance. The American Cancer Society had it listed on the information they sent me. I have insurance but happened to meet a volunteer who works there and she told me that Michelle's Place was more than a support group but also made sure that no women were denied treatment, regardless of whether or not they had insurance.
If it were you or a friend of yours, make sure that you contact the American Cancer Society, or the Komen Foundation.
Fourth and Final Chemo Treatment Coming Up
by simplesally 29 Replies latest jw friends
Keep fighting the good fight.
thinkin of ya, SimpleSally~~~~~~~~~~~~with admiration and abundant good wishes
So happy to see your posting!!! I have wondered how you have been feeling.
Sending you tons of positive energy and many hugs...
CANCER SUCKS! I just lost my mil to pancreatic cancer. I'm so glad that you are almost at the end of your treatment, keep your chin up and you are in my thoughts!
Hey Sally! Good to see you still fighting away. I'm thinking about you! ((((((Sally))))))
luv, jojo
Best wishes ((((((((((((((((simplesally)))))))))))))))))
Thanks for all your responses ..... not looking forward to Monday but at least this part will be over. Then on to the next treatment. Phase 2 will be over. (Phase 1 was the initial surgery --- and I thought that was going to be bad, it was but now its over and I've moved on)