Would it be appropriate to introduce in this thread a little Bible analogy?
Sisera oppressed Israel for twenty years. He was brought low in the tent-dwelling of a woman with a common tent-dweller's woman's tool, a tent peg. She pinned him to the ground so everyone would see how the mighty one was struck down by a woman.
Today, approximately 6 million people, mostly woman and children , have be been oppressed by the leaders of a domineering organisation. They have been kept in submission, told how to dress, told to keep silent, to wait on Jehovah. beat their kids from infancy at meeting places, wait in long lines for toilet facilities, do most of the preaching work. Told to allow the sacrifice of their children in the blood transfusion issue. When trying to voice their cries of distress they are turned out of their community and forbidden associaton with friends and family.
How appropriate then, that the oppressor, be given a body blow that brings them to the ground, by the courageous of woman, Barbara and all those others that have spoken out about the abuse that was destroying their well being.
"Most blessed of women is Jael" Judges 5:24
I, a man in is seventies, acknowledge and honor you Barbara, as well as all the others. If anyone labels you Jezabel, please refer them to me, for a figurative cuff on the head.