by AndersonsInfo 1093 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DannyHaszard

    Is there a chance someone on this board, albeit innocently, could screw things up by saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. I have noticed that several have already spread the word to those they are trying to get out of the org. It seems to me this is jumping the gun

    You can't stop a volcano from erupting we have no control over other people's actions i suggest restraint.

    Yes Devon i will do myspace blog

  • undercover

    More musings...

    So, could this be so big that when it does break and everyone is talking about it (hopefully), all of us that left the JWs on our own accord will lift our heads proudly and say we knew all along it was a lying cult and we have been proven correct now?

    When the flood of ex-JWs comes flowing out of the WTS (hopefully), will those of us who have been fighting the WTS or trying to convince family that something is wrong before the "big news" be considered pioneers (no pun intended) as in being one of those who went before when there was no clear path to freedom?

  • seven006

    Perspective my boy…perspective.

    Your log-in says you are from Pennsylvania. The watchtower company is from Pennsylvania. That’s why I asked about the whether in watchtower land. What was that you were saying about assumptions?

    I asked if you were a JW, I didn’t assume anything. Again, what was that you were saying about assumptions?

    Can’t do much about the tooth ache thing, Try rubbing a little rum on it.


  • effe

    Hééé Sunday, what are you doing here. I think we might know eachother... Greetz, Effe (E.)

  • 2SparrowsPenny

    Ackkkk... I tried to reply to "Beep,Beep" and all that was put up was what I quoted from him. Told you beloved folks that I have not a clue how to use this message board. how do I contact Beep,Beep off this message board ? can some one email me ? [email protected] I have toll free calling across canada and us. If you share your number I can call you n/c. Thank you for helping me. (((Hugs))) barb sinclair

  • Cognitive_Dissident

    "Viewed: 28,234 times"

    Now that's just beautiful! That's more than the population of the town I grew up in.

    No wonder the Org is pushing the dangers of the Internet, because they can't control the flow of information.

    Be afraid, Brooklyn. Be very afraid.

    p.s. Danny, what is your myspace address? I can't find it in a search.


  • daniel-p

    OK, I just want to make sure we're all on the same page here:

    The "Viewed: 28,xxx" counter does not indicate the number of viewERS. It only indicate how many times everyone has clicked on this thread link. Seeing as how I've clicked on it about a hundred times to check for updates means (assuming I am average) we might have about 3000 viewERS frequenting the thread. Again, the VIEWED counter does NOT indicate the amount of viewERS.

  • Nosferatu

    Okay, I'm only on page 10 of this thread, but it's interesting to see some of the comments made by others.

    Now, it's time to speculate some more!!!

    I'm going to throw this into the mix with the blood issue. I recall reading before that the WTS has their own on-site doctors. Could it be possible that these "doctors" are giving the GB blood transfusions?

    However, one of barb's posts said that something was approved, which would lead me to believe it could be money related.

    It also sounds, from the number of people barb indicated have worked on this, something is going to be released somewhere else before it's released on this board.

  • katiekitten

    Part of me is worried that if the WBTS do lose their charitable status over whatever this news is then it will just cause more hardship for the R&F, who will be squeezed even harder for cash.

    I can only think how I would have felt if I has still been in and received the news that we had lost our status as a charity - my heart would have sank that I had to find even more contributions.

    I really hope this news is something that causes peoples eyes to be opened, and not just something else they can whitewash (whitewashed graves that they are) and put even more pressure on the humble and honest hearted about.

    I feel so sorry for lots of those stupid people in the borg.

  • undercover

    I see that some people are going ahead and contacting family and friends, telling them something big is coming and yet they don't know what it is yet.

    It's one thing for people like Barbara Anderson, Seven, Danny and all the others who know what's going on to say to keep on the lookout for some big news. But the rest of us need to chill, I think. What if, god forbid, that the news just isn't all the earth shaking? What if it doesn't impact but one segment of JWs and nobody we know is in that segment?

    I'm as excited as anyone else, but it is a guarded excitement. I don't want to see a lot of attention brought to something before we know what it is we're marketing to people. Wouldn't the WTS have fun with that? "Look at those stupid apostates. Grabbing at every little straw that comes their way, they hate us so bad. And yet, they still can't prove God's Organization wrong."

    Let's see the big news, study it, dissect it and if it's as big as is being reported, then we can go nuts telling everyone.

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