“Have you seen the way everyone dresses? Awfully Tony for a mining camp don’t you think. No, the die is cast; we will be as big as San Francisco in a few years and just as important...
-shots ring out-
several men stagger from the saloon across the street. One man, who is wounded, starts to take aim at another man. The other man says, "Don't raise that arm or I'll have to shoot". First man raises gun, gets shot.
Doc Halliday (in slow Southern drawl): "very cosmopolitan"
Beehan cuts eyes toward Doc...
LOL...what a great movie...
Maybe if the "big news" is big enough, maybe the group that worked so hard to break the story can say to the shocked WTS: "Well, are you gonna do somethin' or just stand there and bleed?"
edited to add: Well, since the "big news" has been put off, I have to find something to do...