My mind is being flooded, so many ways, it's hard to settle on one thought.
"misrepresentation"... seems at first glance to be such a 'slippery' concept. How can that word help us & hurt the Watchtower ?
As I read, fireworks started going off...
"misrepresentation"... of disaster funds usage.
"misrepresentation"... of the risks of transfusions.
"misrepresentation"... of the risks of transplants.
"misrepresentation"... of even receiving transplants for many years
"misrepresentation"... of the dangers of vaccinations.
"misrepresentation"... of the use of aluminum cookware.
"misrepresentation"... of the 'right' to force children to "sell magazines for the WT."
"misrepresentation"... of all the so-called scientific 'facts' and don't forget all their un-named experts. (doctors, scientists, judges, etc.)
"misrepresentation"... it's what the Watchtower has always done better than anyone. They've hid behind their smoke-screen of words and their lawyers for a hundred years.
I guessed it was the 'blood issue', but, it's actually SO much more that that.
Their medical advice about blood transfusions, their omissions, their written words...that cannot be taken back -- murdered my Mom.
Quotes: Now, we just need to hope that there are enough surviving relatives (that are no longer Watchtowerites and can/will sue) that can use this appropriately. Yes, WTS, payback is, indeed, a Bitch.
I'm surviving, so are 3 other siblings that never were dubs.
We all have a 'bone to pick' with the Watchtower ! Are you listening Almightly Governing Body ? Imagine having all of your words drug thru the news, the magazines, the "investigational" reporters on TV ? Not to mention the courts. I know how much y'all hate bad publicity, too.
"Payback is, indeed, a Bitch"
Rabbit ( of the really bitchy class. Bad boys, bad boys...whatcha gonna do when they come for y o u ?)