Someone gave me a little book many years ago that was nothing but one-line sentences, starting with the words, "I've learned that . . ." and followed by the age of the author. Some of these little sentences were hilarious such as; " I've learned that if I turn my ice cream cone upside down, I don't have an ice cream cone anymore. Age 8". And some were very wise such as; "I've learned that losing my job at age 55 was the best thing that could ever happen to my life. Age 60". Anyway, I thought it might be interesting to hear what you here have learned, using this format. You can add as many lines as you like of course. No rules. You don't have to state your age if you don't wanna. Here's one of mine:
"I've learned that no one nor any group has total truth, regardless if they say they do." Age 50