I've learned that the only thing truly worth knowing is what I really am.
I've learned that "not knowing" anything enables me to enjoy everything.
How's that for embracing contratictory concepts?
I've learned that . . .
by Steve Lowry 16 Replies latest jw friends
( "I've learned that no one nor any group has total truth, regardless if they say they do." Age 50)
I've learned that most people that make such claims have not explored ALL groups !
carmel, ageless
Steve Lowry
( "I've learned that no one nor any group has total truth, regardless if they say they do." Age 50)
" I've learned that most people that make such claims have not explored ALL groups !"
An interesting perspective Carmel, but I believe an inaccurate one. No ONE has total truth. There is no philosophy (religious system, etc) which contains total truth. Some truth can be found in individuals (or groups), but not total truth. Some have more truth, and some have less, but none have all. We all want that though, don’t we? We want to believe we can go to one place (individual, group, etc.) and get all truth. That way we don’t have to keep looking for it. This part of the human condition is what I believe makes for fertile ground for organizations like the Watchtower Society and other cultic groups. Once people are convinced that the group (or individual) they’re following has all truth, they stop searching for it and are lost in their worship of the source. No, I respectfully disagree with you that there is some group or some-one "out there" that possesses all truth. It cannot be discovered or "explored" (as you say), because it simply does not exist. And if you believe it does, then I believe you’re setting yourself up for a fall. But, that said, I respect that everyone must choose his or her own path.
Steve Lowry
I've learned that you can't possibly imagine all of the emotions you're going to go through in a divorce, when there are children involved. (50)
I've learned that when my ten year old little girl tells me she loves me, the cares of the day melt away.
I've learned that very often its better to better prepared than smart when dealing with your adversary.
I've learned that God honors hard work and sacrifice.
I've learned that in looking back on my life, I regret more those things I didn't do, than those that I did do.
I've learned that I can forget to do something if its unpleasent, but I never forget to do something if its fun.
I've learned that the greatest liar I ever met, has been me, to myself.
Steve Lowry
BTW, all the repsonses in thread have been very thought provoking and some have have made me laugh out loud! (broccoli in a glass of milk.... Now thats funny!)
I have learned....your greatest strength can be your greatest downfall. age 27
AK - Jeff
I've learned that when an elephant takes a poop, it is better not to be behind it. Age 48 [when I read of the zookeeper killed this way]