what should JW females look at during sex?

by hamsterbait 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mastodon

    The Cieling?
    There's an old joke from Puerto Rico about that. Here goes:
    A virgin having sex for the first time (obviously): Oh! Oh! This hurts!
    An experienced woman having sex: Oh! Oh! This is good!
    A married woman having sex: Oh! Oh! The cieling needs a coat of paint!

  • anewme

    Jeesh! Obviously Hampsterbait, God is the one who blessed Jacob's flock, "cause he dint have no clue
    bout animal husbandry with that method"
    Just as Joshua asked for the sun to stand still. Duh! We know today that the earth rotates around the sun, but men back then did not know how it all worked.

    Jehovah humbles himself to deal with mankind. He lovingly condescends when he intervenes to help us.

    Dont let Jacobs personal lack of knowledge of the scientific method stop you from pursuing a deeper appreciation of spiritual truths.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Mwahahahahahahahah..... <snif> <wipes tear away>

    *looks again*


  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Sorry Def'd....but after that lap dance you gave my mom.....well I figured all the ladies here would appreciate your finely tuned body. A true tool from Jehobah himself. LOL.

  • hamsterbait

    Anewme -

    Witlesses say that when the bible touches on science it is always correct. We have here the bible touching on the laws of genetics and inheritance of characteristics. It is not accurate.

    As for being blinded by this to spiritual truths - which ones do you mean? That Abraham Isaac and jacob will be resurrected in 1925, that the great trib will be over by 1914, that christs millennium reign will end in 2975, that vaccinations are wrong, that avoiding aluminum will cure cancer, that faithful witlesses should not associate with people on boards like this??

    I have no intention of allowing Jacob's ignorance to blind me to spiritual truth, any more than I allow the WTS to blind me to spiritual truth with their ignorant crappola.


  • forsharry

    spotted children eh? I personally think she should look at the tv, while she and 'friend' watch their favorite show...it's sorta like multi-tasking.

    This is just a whacked question...but the Troof governs all aspecta of JW existence (I wouldn't call it a life) ...I'm surprised that the FDS hasn't come out with a ruling on which way to wipe your arse.

    If we're going to go by FDS dogma, however, then presumably she'd either be looking either A.) at her husband's face or B.) at the ceiling. This being said because they only Theocratically Approved position would be the missionary position. Anything else would be uncivilized.

    Forsharry of the "I look all over the place" Class

  • anewme

    You are one unhappy little hampster arent you?
    I did not say "blind" but your emotions got pricked when you read my defense of the Bible.

    I think you should keep your fights with the Watchtower Society on policy issues and inaccurate prophecies and not criticize illogically passages in the Bible.

    And the spiritual truths I mentioned are those found in the Bible.

    You are confusing your fight with the Watchtower Society with the Bible itself.

  • hamsterbait

    anewme -

    Mindreading is demonism as anyone who understands bible principles knows. I am amazed that you tried to read my mind and tell me I was "pricked". (Presumably in the mundane sense of the word - as bible principles condemn fantasizing about gay sex).

    Since I made no attempt to logically analyze the text quoted, you cannot say that my statement of fact with regard to genetics was an illogical criticism.

    Since I do not need to fight the WTS, I am amazed that your mindreading session again bestowed wrong information.

    I am also astonished that you think that spiritual truth is only in the bible, in view of the bloodshed and slaughter and condemnation of others (including children). And as for the obscure "truths" which are so desperately important God hides their meaning behind mumbo jumbo. Unless of course the spiritual truth is that by reading the bible we discover the spiritual truth of how truly evil and destructive of human joy the monotheistic religions actually are.

    Buddhism teaches spiritual truths which do not require its adherents to smash babies' heads against walls, where no gods perpetrate genocide, where nobody hates other humans for doing differently, where our salvation does not depend on bloody human sacrifice at Calvary.

    Indeed, at first I was going to ignore your post, but compassion moved me to reply in the hope that you might see how truly trapped you are. (Presumably in the WT cult.) In which case Why are you here?


  • ButtLight

    I think my mom was looking at the mailman

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Hamsterbait......bravo! bravo! excellent!

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