T-bone steak for hubby and me
WOW, MrsJones5, I'm droolin' just waitin' for my daughter to make it to the neighborhood meat market again so we can get some of those huge and luscious T-bones! Your post reminded me......thanks.
Ribeye steaks on the BBQ.... baked potatoes..... caeser salad.... Mmmmmm...
Holy Cow, GGG! That's a perfect meal!
I haven't made anything here in a couple of days now. I cooked a turkey the other day and that night I set my oven to the "self clean" mode, but something went terribly wrong and the house filled with awful black smoke. That continued for about an hour after I realized it and had already turned the oven off. We had to leave the house it was so bad and I have aired it out for days and had someone in to do the carpets but that smell is still there...Looking foreward to everything getting back to normal
Oh, noooooo, misanthropic! I hope you don't wind up havin' to steam clean the drapes, furniture & carpet and wash the walls down!
I made chocolate chip cookies today- that went with the Krispy Cream Donut I had for lunch, and the In-N-Out burger I got for the kids- not much culinary inspiration going on today. Last night was Raost Beef with potatoes, green beans & salad. Tonight is leftovers.I've had days like that, Caligirl. We'll prolly be doin' leftovers tomorrow nite with the spaghetti and fettucini leftovers here....that way I'll have time to devote to those Napoleons.....heheheh
I haven't cooked anything all weekend. Tonight I might whip up a chicken enchilada pie though.
That sounds downright interesting, MissPeaches. How do you put that together?